chapter 2

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a couple days passed since the two strangers had met, they hadn't talked since because Spencer was rushed into a case when he arrived to work that day. currently though he was on the jet going back home when he remembered that he had the book Elizabeth gave him in his go bag, he decided to read it since the rest of his team members were sleeping and he had nothing else to do.

he read it quickly and decided to finally take the jump and text Elizabeth, not wanting to call her as it was late and he didn't want to wake her or the rest of his team. he didn't need them asking any more questions as they had already been suspicious of him since he came into work with coffee down his shirt and a big smile on his face.

he was really looking forward to talking to her again but he didn't want to scare her away so he texted something simple, just telling her that he finished the book and really enjoyed it. he was so nervous for her reply that he almost forgot to sign his name at the end, not thinking about the fact that he hadn't given her his number that day.

for reasons he couldn't even understand, he missed her and he was quickly developing feelings for this girl that was practically a stranger to him. back in virginia Elizabeth had just gotten out of the shower after a long shift at the hospital when she heard her phone go off, the last few days every time her phone made any type of sound she rushed to it hoping it was the curly haired stranger she had spilled her coffee all over only to be dissapointed every time.

she took her time getting dressed before looking at her phone, cursing herself when she realized it really was him this time. She smiled happily as she read the message on her screen, after some hesitation she decided to click the call button and put the phone to her ear. She wanted to hear the somewhat strangers voice for some reason she couldn't figure out, apparently he felt the same seeing as he answered almost immediately. "Hey" he said quietly and she smiled at the sound of his soft voice before replying "Hey, sorry i probably shouldn't have called i just don't really like texting" she said with a soft laugh

The laugh turned his smile into a soft, admiring one, just hearing it made him forget about all the horrors he had seen the past week. "oh no it's fine i don't either, i just didn't want to wake you if you were sleeping" she smiles at the fact he had thought about that and actually cared enough to put it into consideration "don't worry, i wasn't sleeping i actually just got out of the shower" she said truthfully.

"Good, i would have felt terrible if i woke you, but i'm glad you decided to call" she was a little confused by his words "really, why?" she asked and without hesitation he answered "i like hearing your voice"  he replied sweetly and sincerely while blushing a little at the words coming out of his mouth. She was quiet for a moment and he almost took it back and apologized but then he heard a small voice, barely above a whisper "me too"

Her reply gave him some hope and enough courage to ask his next question "so as for the book" she smiled hopefully "yeah?" she replies and he finally continues after letting out a small sigh "maybe i could give it back to you over dinner tomorrow night?" he asks nervously but his nerves quickly dissapear as she replies quickly and enthusiastically "yes, i mean i would love to" they both laugh at her small outburst.

"Great" he says quietly and she replies just as softly "yeah, it's a date" which makes him genuinely grin which fades a little as he hears a small yawn from the other end of the line "you're tired" he points out "you should get some sleep" he tells her but she quickly objects "no, no, i'm fine i wanna keep talking" her words make him smile again "i want to keep talking too but you need sleep and it's late, i promise to call you in the morning to talk about our date and then i will hopefully see you in the afternoon" she sighs defeatedly before agreeing.

"Fine, but only because i know you're tired too" he lets out a soft laugh "alright, goodnight Elizabeth" she blushes at the sound of her name coming out of his mouth "goodnight Spencer" she hangs up and falls back on her bed with a sigh, upset with the timing of her yawn before remembering the fact that she has a date the next day and smiling widely to herself. She changed into her pajamas and fell asleep that night, thinking about the curly haired boys smile.

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