People Pudding, Part One

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"I knew you would be back."

Adam pushed past Jayson and walked right in the house not caring one way or the other what he might find lurking inside. It had been a month since the last time he had seen Jayson.

"That's because you know everything, right?"

Jayson closed the door. "Pretty much."

"I'm getting divorced. Paul found out about us. I have no way of proving that he was going to the park. Unless you can help me."

Jayson looked intrigued by the information overload which had come spewing forth. He sat down on the center of the couch and lit a cigarette. Adam briefly became distracted as he watched the first cloud of smoke drift around his sexy face. It was early December and yet Jayson was shirtless, that too was a pleasant distraction. "How do you figure I'm going to be any help to you?"

"You hung out at the park-"

"Still do when the mood hits-

Adam chose to ignore that piece of information. "You probably talk to quite a few out there?" Jayson just gave a nod and Adam looked down at his phone and scrolled until he found the picture of Paul he had planned to show Jayson. He was more anxious about it than he thought he'd be and something felt wrong. Like he was exposing part of his life that shouldn’t be exposed. Like he was betraying himself somehow. He had never thought to show his picture to Jayson before, back when things were good, because, deep down, there was a small voice telling him that he could have possibly given Paul a blowjob. In that moment it wasn't his fear, his fear was Jayson wouldn't know him. But in showing the picture he felt like he was giving something up.

But, he did so anyway. Jayson looked at the photo without saying a word.

"That is Paul. Did you ever see or talk to him at Xin Park?"

Jayson took the phone away from Adam and stared down at the picture. "I have never seen this guy before in my life," he said as Adam's heart sank. "So you can clearly do better." A grin grew across his face as he handed the phone back. "I wouldn't have taken you for the marrying for money type, clean cut!"

"Fuck you! I was in love with Paul at the beginning!"

"Oh, at the beginning-"

Adam, realizing that he had slipped, turned to walk back to the front door. "That isn't what I meant at all. I knew I shouldn't have come back here."

Jayson was far too quick and had the palm of his hand against the door and blocking it from opening just as soon as Adam had his hand on the knob. "I wasn't criticizing you but rather making a statement. If you no longer loved him, and based on everything you told me I don't know how you could or why you would, and you stayed in the relationship, it had to be because you had some sort of security in the relationship."

How could he deny what had been the very essence of foundation of the middle and ending of his marriage. Adam was no hypocrite. "If you are going to stand there and judge me there's something you absolutely have to know, if I had been with Paul solely for money I would have been out the door a long time ago. Everything, and I do mean everything, was kept separate from day one. Any money ever in my pocket came from any job I ever had."

Jayson lifted up the collar of Adam's shirt. "Aside from the first meeting when you wore the pride t-shirt, you were wearing very nice, very expensive, designer shirts. This is what, a Target special?"

Adam glared at him. "I never said that Paul didn't buy things or spend on me, and yeah I lived comfortably in a nice house in a nice neighborhood, a long, long way from the disgusting, rodent, insect infected, drug riddled trailer park my mother raised me in. It wasn't like I was turned loose with all this money and given the ability to do nothing all day."

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