Chapter 1 - Cheater

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Hello this story is adopted from Flatykawasan404

This is a FemHinata story along with a Yuri on Ice and Haikyuu crossover!

Okay so I have a few ideas of the ship. I will have a vote at the bottom of the chapter and the winner will be what happens. If the ship you want doesn't get chosen please don't hate. I did change some of the original story, so If it seems different that's why.

Yuri is 18 in this fanfiction while Vikter is 29 and Yuuri is 26.

ᏖᏂᎯᎥ (Thai)

Hinata and Lev are cousins by blood but they are more like siblings because Hinata and Natsu lived in an abusive home for 2 years (Hinata is 10 during this while Natsu is 2) However Yurio dropped them off once and found out there homelife and had Yuuri adopted them. He would have done it himself but was too young at the time being only 16.

Hinata's mother would not only physically abuse the two but verbally and mentally abused the two girls. Hinata's father didn't like the fact his two children were daughters and looked nothing like himself so he left his wife. Hinata's mom blames it on the two of them.

Hinata has trauma from the abuse and easily gets panic attacks from certain things like loud bangs, bottles breaking, yelling and harsh vocabulary. Hinata got better at being able to calm herself down before having one but still gets them monthly.

Hinata and Natsu moved in with Vikter, Yuuri and their son Lev who was a year older than Hinata. Lev played volleyball and skates for fun while Hinata skates professionally. Typically you get home school when you play sports professionally but Hinata wanted the high school experience, he also wanted to play High School Volleyball.

Hinata started practicing with Lev, Victor, Yuri, Minami, and Otabek for 5 years while being coached by Viktor and Yuuri. Hinata also played volleyball with Lev and they both were really good but they wanted to go to different schools, Lev wanted to go to Nekoma while Hinata wanted to go Karasuno so they would be rivals in volleyball however would be siblings at heart.

By the time they were in high school they were both first years but Lev was 16 while Hinata was 15. They both got on to the volleyball team however since Hinata was a girl on the boys volleyball team she got bullied quite often. She used to cut but her new and improved family helped her and she stopped but with all the bullying she is on the verge of relapsing.

Natsu, Lev and Hinata can speak Russian, English, a bit of Thai and Japanese because of their trips around the world and the skaters they're friends with.

Hinata looks like the picture above, long curly orange hair with bangs and naturally thick, long nails so they won't break when she spikes or skates. Lev doesn't skate professionally; he just does it for fun.

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Hinata woke up to Lev shaking her while saying, "it's already 7:15 sis! Wake up!"

She got up and got changed, brushed her hair, put light makeup on, grabbed her backpack, her gym bag and her skating bag. Hinata rushed downstairs with her stuff to see her Dad (Yuuri), Papa (Viktor), Uncle Yurio, Natsu and Lev at the table eating. Lev quickly finished before putting his plate in the sink.

"Can you bring Natsu to school today Sho? I'm running late for school!" Lev asked as he put his shoes on.

"Of course!" Hinata said in a happy tone while hugging her family goodbye before grabbing her stuff and helping Natsu put her backpack on.

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