Kiara Point of View

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Chapter 1: Kiara

It's hard watching the man that you thought was the love of your life die when you're nineteen, even harder? Finding yourself falling in love again, while you still waking screaming from nightmares. His name was Damien, and even for an angel, he was perfect. He used to tell me that I was like the night sky, raven black hair and eyes that changed from ice blue to violet when I changed from my human form to my angelic one. I remember the day I lost him.....

"Damien!! Hold on!!" Three fighters were on him, their swords brillant silver in the moonlight, moving like liquid, I unleashed the razors in my wing tips slashing through the enemies, racing to save the only reason I felt like living. I heard him grunt only once, softly, then I watched his broken body fall to the ground in the most macabre yet graceful movement I've ever seen. I cry out in pain both physical and mental and my momentary delay costs me dearly as a blade sharper then anything known to man slices from my ribs downward across my stomach. Suddenly my wings fell like lead as my life force drained out of me, I thudded to the ground next to my lost love as the battle died away. As the darkness overtook my sight and soul I could almost swear I heard a woman laughing but it must have been delirium from the pain. No one would laugh at a grave.

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