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The surrounding area continued forever, with little in sight. You sighed, wiping sweat off your brow and onto your overalls. Your tabby cat, Cin, meowed. "I know girl, we'll get somewhere soon, I hope." You rubbed her head lovingly, although you can barely muster any emotions due to your drained energy.

The two of you continued your journey in a random direction, until you decided it was time to get a nap. A wagon was towed behind you, safely strapped to your body so you won't pull a muscle when dragging it. You unstrapped yourself, setting down the wagon softly and setting up your makeshift bed.

It consisted of an army cot, a dingy blanket, and a pillow. Definitely nothing comfortable, but it'll do for now. You reminisced back when you actually owned a cottage, and comfortable bedding. That was before animals overran it, which forced you to haul ass. "Maybe tomorrow will be a better day."

You fell into a dreamless sleep, and woke up to the smog-blocked sun shining down on you. Everything about this you hated, for both you and your cat. She likely didn't understand why you both were here, and you yourself barely had an idea. Groaning, you rubbed your eyes.

"Hello there, stranger!" An overly hip voice stated right above you. Your eyes shot open, and you saw a man suited head-to-toe with green. "Who the hell are you?" You asked, getting off the cot and wearily grabbing a spear you carried. The stranger's hands raised, "I don't mean you any harm, just wondering what you're doing out in this wasteland!" He nervously chuckled, tipping the point of your spear downwards so it wasn't in his face.

Both you and Cin gave the man a hard stare. His overly eccentric personality wasn't one you were fond of, but you never talked to people. "Well, my house was bombarded with marshmallow-obsessed bears and singing fish." You deadpanned, and he paled. The spear was placed back into the wagon once you deemed him a non-threat, as you began packing up everything again.

"If you need somewhere to stay, I happen to have an estate around the corner." He looked guilty for whatever reason, and you shrugged. Although he was a stranger, he seemed decently weak. He couldn't do anything harmful around a spear, anyway. "Alright, but if you try anything funny, you'll be a green kebab. Don't think I haven't skewered anything before." You sharply muttered, strapping the wagon to your body and following him.

Your attitude peeved him, while also being impressed by your brute strength of carrying the wagon. Finally, he began leading the way. Admittedly, he was shaky, but a huge estate appeared over one of the hills as you got closer. "You own that place? Richie Rich or something." You muttered to yourself.

You received a crooked smile in return.

He opened the front doors, which led into the main hallway. You shrugged your shoulders, heard a few pops, and finally unloaded the wagon from your body. "This place is nice, but it doesn't seem smart inviting a random stranger into it. I could steal stuff and run away, y'know." Offhandedly waving at him, while shrugging, you unstrapped the top-most parts of your overalls to show the tank-top you had on underneath. You then tied the straps around your waist.

"Well, I'm practically the wealthiest man in the world." He smirked, flaunting his top hat. "If you DID steal from me, however, it'd affect me by zero percent." You squinted, and snorted. This dude was ridiculous. "You are a strange specimen..." You trailed off, unknowing of his name. "Greed-ler. Or, Once-ler. I get called both, so either or."

Your mouth gaped, eyebrows furrowed. You now knew who this man was, hearing rumors as you've traveled. "You're the guy who caused all this. Wow–" A breathless laugh emitted from you, "--this is crazy." He tucked his lip into an awkward smile. "Well, in the flesh."

Honestly, it was a fucked situation in itself. You could run, leaving you and Cin in the slogged air again. Then again, the damage was dealt; you'd be at a loss if you ran either way. "Ok, well, nice to meet the man who caused one of the top deforestations recorded in mankind." You reached your hand out for a handshake, quickly enveloped by a gloved one. "Pleasure to meet you too..." He paused, waiting.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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