Gigi pov: "good morning whores" I say as I get in symones car. She takes all of us to school since she's the only one who hasn't failed her driving test. "Hey geeg" I hear rosy and Nicky respond back with. Symone laughs and Jan is asleep in the passager seat. "First day bitches" Symone says amd we all groan. "Don't remind me" I say back to her while rolling my eyes. I hate school. The toxic energy from school is too much to handle. Over this summer I've done a lot. Partied, had hook ups and other shit like that but the one thing is I've realized something about myself. I can't let my friends know. I know that they'll be accepting (or at least I hope). Honestly all I can do is push it down further and further until I make myself forget about it. "Geeg what's up you're spacing out on us" I hear rosy say wayyyyy to energetic for it being 7am. "Oh nothing I'm just tired" I say back and rosy nods. Of course she believes it she's not the brightest but we all know that. As we pull into the school we all walk in to start our senior year. The last first day. I separated from Nicky, rosy and Symone but I stay with jan. We have all of our classes together. We walk into first period which happens to be ap biology. We sit at the furthest back lab table together. We're gonna end up getting moved but it's worth a shot. Around 7:30 the class room starts filling in and by the time the bell rings at 7:45 everyone is in the room. It's the same old same old people I've been going to school with since middle school. I scan around to see anyone new and it's mainly the weird kids, football players and weirdly a lot of people I've hooked up with. Anyways, jan and I talk until our teacher Mrs. R starts talking. "We have a new student today I would like you all to make her feel welcome to this wonderful school". This girl walks in and my stomach instantly drops. She's so beautiful and I can feel my mental gaydar going off like crazy. "Hi my name is crystal methyd and I'm from Missouri I moved her about a month ago and yeah that's it" the y'all girl who's name I just learned says. "Go sit in the table with jan and gigi" Mrs. R says. Perfect, just what I need a distraction. "Hi girly" I say to her and bring out my hand for her to shake it. I expect a handshake and maybe a smile back but I got the complete opposite. "I'm sorry but don't talk to me, I have a bad rep with girls like you" crystal says  as she rolls her eyes. My heart sinks and I just get put in a sad mood. "I'm different but go off" I say with a very noticeable attitude. Jan chimes in with "Shes a sweetheart Mrs. Methyd. I know your new but you should realize who you're talking to and maybe think again about what you did". Crystal just rolls her eyes again and goes on with this bitchy act. I'm gonna make this girl like me. But now I'm going to try to enjoy my last first class. Senior year let's go I guess.
574 words
First chapter! I hope you all enjoy this :)
Insta @jackies.merkins
Shortish chapters at first but as we go on chapters will be longer.
•this book will be anywhere between 15-25 chapters I haven't decided :)

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