beach day! part 1

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Hey before we start, i have something for Alice in wonderland fans! I found this book called 'the wonderland effect' by Robert Arrington. I haven't finished reading it yet, but from what i have read, its really good! I definitely recommend this book to Alice in wonderland fans! Also im not sure why all my media is posting sideways. Sorry about that. Heres a little info about the author

im sorry for not updating, i was taking a break from writing for a while, but to make it up to you guys ill try an make this chapter a bit smuttier

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im sorry for not updating, i was taking a break from writing for a while, but to make it up to you guys ill try an make this chapter a bit smuttier. no full on smut, because it would be diffiult for noya to do things with both a sore ass, and hikeys, but there will be some soon i promise! also enjoy some hobbies i made charicters have that are my hobbies cuz i dont know what to make them have. prepare for unholy asahi though!

Noya pov

asahi was helping suga and daichi set up the tents, while i was talking with tanaka. we were deciding who we were gonna room with for the tents, when tanaka said "ive been talking a bit with enoshita, and we're gonna share a tent."

"Cool man! im gonna ask asahi if he want to share one!"

"Kay bro!" he yelled after me as i ran off to get my tall boyfriend. i mean, hes not to find after all. i spoted him a few yards away setting up one of the last tents that were gonna be there. i ran up behind him and gave him a hug. i heard him chuckle a bit, and then he turned around in my arms and hugged me back. 

"hey asahi?"

"yeah noya?"

"d-do you wanna share a tent?" damn it why did i stutter? he laughed a bit before responding.

"of course! i was actualy gonna ask you in a few minutes." he said with a smile. he leaned down and kissed me gentley, and i could feel that the kiss was full of love. i kissed back and we just stayed there kissing eachother lovingly for a minute before we parted for air. i was panting lightly, and asahi was pretty much breathing normaly. daichi called everyone over and went over a few rules. for starters, no wandering too far away, try not to go swimming alone, and no late night swims in the ocean. other than that we could do what we wanted. i swear hes like a dad.

i went over to chat with tanaka for a bit. we were talking about the usual stuff. basicaly, what we planned to do here, what we think others are gonna do here, and a bit about our hobbies. tanaka, believe it or not, likes to paint. we chatted about the animes we like too. animes like HxH, black butler, MHA, JJBA, blue exorsist, akame ga kill, full metal alcamist, no game no life, K-on, SAO, OHSHC, and fairytail. those are just a few animes we like to watch, and we have a list of animes to watch in the future too. we were chatting about the people we like eventualy, and a certian question came up.

"so do you think you and asahi are gonna do 'it'?" he said with another lenny face. i felt my face get red when he said that. 

"W-what? T-t-tanaka!" i kinda yelled getting all defencive. 

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