Chapter 3

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"Are you okay, dear?" Sassy asked while putting my clothes in the cabinet.

She is are nanny for ten years already. She is old yet she is still with us. She knew my problems I am so dependent on her in terms of my psychological being.

" Nightmare" she looked at me, closed my cabinet and walk towards me.

"Oh dear, come here. Let me give you a hug." She knew me so well. When she does that she knew I will cry.

"I wish I had an amnesia or something." There I said it.

I am soo weak. I may be strong looking but deep inside me, I a fully scarred.

"No, no, it's nice that you had been living until now. You are one strong and a beautiful lady. Let's go downstairs, I will cook your favorite food and make it extra spicy." She said and wink at me. Haha

How can I live without you? I wish she won't leave me behind.

We went to the kitchen and found my siblings eating.

"Hey, that's mine! Give it back to me, G."
Jazz is so loud. He's crying over a hotdog.

"You have four hotdogs on your plate. How selfish of you." Gyn really knows how to make your day worst. And this is how he ruin J's day.

"Jazz, let her have the hotdog. You can't even eat that all." Sassy said while preparing my so called prize for opening to her. She usually prepare my favorite food- pancake with mango mallows and a strawberry shake.

"Why are you fighting in front of the food? Were are your manners?" Here goes the mighty K. Haha

"The three of you, zip your mouths. Oh, you can't finish your food with your mouth shut. I mean stop arguing and finish your food." Silence please. I hate it when they're talking nonsense.


" I told you to stop, J. You and you're gibberish mouth is annoying." He finished his food and stormed to his room.

" V, can you make me a poem?"

"What poem do you want, G? You can use one of my poems."

Yeah, you read it right. I make poems and all but most of them aren't finish. It makes me relieve myself from the toxics of my life.

" Thanks"

I was lying in bed when I heard my phone ringing.

Jel's Calling . . .

"Yes, what can I do for you?"

[ I am at Hanj's Place. Join us here.]

"It's a no for me, I am sorry"

[Please? Max is on her way there. Bye.]

"Hey! Omg she should've ask me if I will join them if she was not giving me choice to say no."

So, I went to my cabinet and grab a shirt and a skinny jeans. After I dressed up, Max showed up in front of my door.

"Let's go! I already asked permission to your mom and she said, " Go, let her leave the house. She is so lazy in going out of her bed." She mockes my mother now?

I laughed and drag her to the garage.

We went to Hanj's Place individually. I took my car with me so I can leave the place on my own.

" Vian, you are finally here!"

I made her a sullen look and sat on the couch.

" I made you all to come here to have fun, not to sit on the couch like that" Hanj approach me while giving me a can of beer.

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