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You have attempted to access a web site that is blocked by Gwinnett County Public Schools. This can occur for a number of reasons, but sites are generally blocked due to the content that they provide. GCPS has developed guidelines to manage the use of the internet, and these guidelines can be found in the GCPS Acceptable Use Policies, located here:

Gwinnett County Policies and Procedures

The Gwinnett County Public Schools network may not be used to:

Harm other people.

Use a computer to steal property.

Gain unauthorized access to on-line resources by using someone elses password.

Make changes to the hardware or software configuration of any machine, including installing or deleting any software.

Improperly using the network, including introducing software viruses and/or bypassing local school or office security policies.

Steal or damage data and/or computers and network equipment.

Access, upload, download, and distribute pornographic, hate-oriented, profane, obscene, or sexually explicit material.

For further information, please contact your local technology support.

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