Set after Love or Host
George sat back in his chair and let out a deep sigh of relief and grabbed his phone. He opened Twitter and wrote a quick message to all his fans.
'Well that was stressful.'
Honestly the entire thing was just an experience. All the contestants were more interested in dating him, but a few did really stand out. He did choose Minx after all...
George shook his head. Minx was quite the character and getting to know her better would definitely be a thing all on its own. She was quick to swear and very loud, but was funny and could really brighten a room when she entered. Of course, there ran the problem of-
The ringing of George's phone brought him out of his thoughts and swinging his gaze over to the screen noticed the familiar green icon of his best friend Dream. Chuckling, the Brit hit the button to start calling and was instead greeted with something else.
The older YouTuber nearly fell out of his chair.
"Wot do you want, Dream?" Dream let out a wheeze and continued with his speech.
"You left me for Minx, George! What do you have to say? Come on, I love you, don't you love me back?" Unbeknownst to the Floridian, George was blushing extremely hard behind the safety of his computer screen. "No, come on Dream! Let me be!"
All that could be heard was a tea kettle wheeze coming from Clay's mic. "Come on, George! I love you, why don't you say it back?" George covered his mouth with his right hand and stifled a laugh.
"Dream, come on. I like you, how about that?"
"George, no, come on! Say it back! You love me!"
The Brit was blushing madly. His face had turned a beet red and his palms had gone all sweaty. His mind had begun to race, thoughts such as 'Maybe I do love him' or 'I mean... he is really cute' rushing through.
George shook his head.
"No, Dream. Leave me alone about it."
Dream; however, was not giving up about it. "George, tell me you love me! Come on, I've heard the way your laugh and all the compilations on YouTube! It just makes so much sense-!"
The Brit cut Clay off. "Dream. Stop it right now. I can't say I'm in love with you so stop trying to get me to say it!" At this point, he was getting worked up.
There was a sigh from the other end. "Listen, George, I-" Clay didn't get to finish his sentence.
"Dream, stop. Just.. leave me alone. Please." The older YouTuber's eyes had glossed over, a fresh coat of tears threatening to spill with every forced word leaving his mouth. "I can't tell you I love you."
Dream's breath hitched in his throat. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. "George.. I didn't mean to-"
"Goodbye, Dream," and with a click, George hung up the phone. He stared for a moment at the glowing screen and was tempted to click the call button back and say sorry. Maybe he was too rude... maybe he should've just... said his feelings back?
George shook his head. No. Not under any circumstance can Dream know. He has to keep it a complete and utter secret from everyone.
Leaning back in his chair, the Brit sighed and turned back to his monitor. Twitter was still open and his recent tweet had been getting a lot of mixed comments from the earlier stream. Some said to apologize to Minx, some others said to ignore her. It was an absolute mess and for the first time in his life, George didn't know what to do with it.
A ring startled George awake. His room had become dark, the only glow coming from his phone still laying on his desk. He must have accidentally fallen asleep, but what who was calling him at such an hour?
Just barely tilting his head down, the older YouTuber got a small glance at the name. It was Minx. More interestingly, there had been 3 missed calls, 42 missed messages, and one very sad picture of her in a blanket.
And for a moment, George wanted to pick up the phone.
Sighing he clicked decline and sat the phone back down. There was absolutely no energy in his movements and his eyes were begging for the darkness of sleep.
George spun around in his chair and stood up, ruffling his hair and walking slowly out of his room into the hallway and then the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, he saw a tired person with the only wish of sleep...maybe someone also to hold and fall asleep.
"Wouldn't that be nice.." George mumbled to himself as he walked back into his room and flopped on the bed. The sun had begun to climb above the horizon, light golden streaks pushing their way through his blue blinds and dancing off the walls and floor. It would be a very calming sight if George weren't so worried about one thing.
Dream hadn't texted or called him at all. Sure, the Brit had hung up quickly, but Clay always came around and said at least something. Why was this time any different?
"God I'm such an idiot.."
Suddenly there was another loud ring from his phone. It dinged three times before shutting off. Two seconds later there was another ding.
Groaning, George rolled himself out of bed and reached grumbling for his phone. "What now.."
What he saw startled him. Dream had texted saying they needed to talk and it was urgent.
What was so urgent?
Sighing, George clicked on Dream's contact, hit the call button, and rose the phone to his face, waiting anxiously for the other end to click.
A/N: A bit of a small cliffhanger... mostly so you guys can interpret how this went down! I'm also sorry for not uploading for... nearly a month (whoops), but school started and I'm starting that grand old college application process!
Thank you for sticking with these one-shots and I appreciate all your reads!! There's definitely more to come, so stay tuned!

Dreamnotfound One Shots
FanfictionI decided to take part on this! Here are one-shots about Georgenotfound and Dream, two amazing youTubers and people! Disclaimer: Both Dream and George explained they are alright with fanfiction. Upon request, I will remove these stories. With that...