Fundraising Farce

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Hours later, we squeezed side by side to look in the bathroom mirror at ourselves

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Hours later, we squeezed side by side to look in the bathroom mirror at ourselves.

"We clean up good," I said, admiring my new black dress. I'd come a long way from the vomit-crusted girl of this morning although I still felt pretty shitty.

"We look hot," Kara added, her smile smug.

"You do. Not so sure about myself."

She turned to look at me, her face just a breath away from mine. "Are you kidding me? You're stunning." She faced the mirror again. "It's kind of weird, actually."

"What's weird?"

"How much we look alike. Maybe we're long lost sisters or something."

I had to smile at that because I'd always wanted a sister, feeling a bit left out with my brothers. "I don't think we're that similar." I compared her long hair to my own. "My hair's darker."

"True." She lifted a lock of my hair. "And straighter."

"Exactly. And I don't have those beautiful green eyes you have."

"But yours are like crystal blue."

I shrugged because I didn't think my eyes were anything special, just something I'd inherited from my dad.

"Well, I think they're beautiful," she said as her phone buzzed. "Come on. That's our ride."

A short time later, we exited the black SUV that Kieran had sent to our dorm, and Kara pulled at the hem of her own black dress.

"Can't show too much skin at these things, especially because it's mostly old dudes."

Except for her brother, I thought to myself, as my chest tightened with anticipation. Not only did I have to face Kieran tonight, I'd meet the whole family, including a United States Senator.

How had this even happened? Plus I didn't even understand who else might be here tonight. Who exactly attended a political fundraiser at a humongous private estate in Georgetown? I had no clue of course.

We walked up the huge brick steps, passing white stately pillars on either side of us.

We were not in Kansas anymore.

As soon as we entered the large double doors, the first face I saw was Kieran, and his eyes narrowed immediately when he spotted me. Clearly, I was not his first choice to accompany his sister.

"Your brother hates me," I whispered to Kara.

Before she could reply, a very attractive woman probably in her fifties came rushing over, glancing between the two of us. "Oh, sweetie, I'm so glad you could make it."

She gave Kara a quick hug.

"Hi, Mom."

This was the senator? She seemed so warm and had a super kind face. I didn't know what I'd expected, but it wasn't this.

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