Episode 1

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Frank The Narrator: The story that is Fantasy Brawl starts on this planet known as Asther. On planet Asther, there is a natural resource known as “Heavther” & it has the ability to make a non-fire user into a fire-user. Fire-users can use fire to their benefit or harm. Well that’s enough from me. Lets see what one of our central characters is doing.
            Fox Mccloud Sr.: Now Starfox crew, we will be residing on my family's home planet of Asther until we get new orders from the U.P.A. We should be arriving on the planet within the hour so take this time to relax from our last mission. When we get those orders to move out be prepare to leave at once. That is all for now. Falco, come into my office. Everybody else *smiles* enjoy yourselves during this rest period.
*The crew disperses after the captain’s speech*
Fox Mccloud Jr.: Hey Shippo, I can’t wait to see everybody again.
Shippo Mccloud: Did you see dad smile while giving that speech? I think he is looking forward to being back on Asther more than we are big brother.
Fox Mccloud Jr.: Maybe you’re right about that much, but we haven’t been to Asther in back to back trips for as long as I can remember.
Shippo Mccloud: So is that a problem?
Fox Mccloud Jr.: No, that isn’t a problem at all. I want to see the Hyrule family again because its been almost three years since we've been there.
Shippo Mccloud: Yeah sure, Fox, you only want to see the Hyrule family. Its more like you want to see your princess girlfriend Zelda.
Fox Mccloud Jr.: >_> I want to see everybody else as well.
*inside the Captain’s office*
Falco: You know that we have that mission to do. So why are you giving the crew leave time right now?
Fox Mccloud Sr.: ………… Because this will be my final mission as captain of Starfox.
Falco: o_o WHAT!? I wouldn’t have guess that you would want to step down already.
Fox Mccloud Sr.: I trust you to keep this between us. Now its true we should go right into the next mission but I just can’t. I want to be around my crew as a captain just a little bit longer.
Falco: May I leave sir?
Fox Mccloud Sr.: Yes you can.
*Falco leaves the captain’s office*
Fox Mccloud Sr.: Old friend, I wonder how life has treated you while I was away.
Frank the Narrator: Now let us see what is going on Planet Asther.
*A grassy field that suddenly has a kick up of dust going through it*
*A flying ship that is within the clouds*
???: Hey Sa’mus, do you see that dust storm brewing in that field below us. That looks so weird to me.
Sa’mus: Samus, don’t forget what we are ok. We do not sight see other worlds. We come to them to accomplish whatever the Executer demands of us bounty hunters.
Samus: Yeah yeah & if we are lucky then we can become one of the Executer’s three personal guards. I wonder why nobody has ever seen that Executer person? I know that person is one of nine of the heads of the United Protection Agency but if we don’t even know if they really exist, then what’s the point?  
Sa’mus: The point is that the Agency is out for protection & with the Executer being one of the few who has a say in the Agency, I believe that the Executer will always seek justice being one of those chosen few to lead such an organization as the U.P.A.
Samus: Sure whatever.
*A renown castle on planet Asther*
*On this castle a group of warriors just returned from a mission*
Selda: Good job everyone.
The Hyrule Knights: Thank you Sir!
Selda: Well if any of you guys need me………. *looks away from the Hyrule Knights*……..
One of the younger Hyrule Knights: *talks under his breath* Selda.
Selda: I’ll see you all later. You all are dismissed for now.
*Selda quickly walks away from the Knights*
One of the younger Hyrule Knights: I have to follow her. Something has her full attention right now. It must be something important.
*The young Knight tails Selda throughout the castle until she stopped in front of a door*
Selda: *exhales then inhales* Ok I guess I’m ready for the news.
The younger Hyrule Knight: I couldn’t hear what she said.
Selda: So how about you get closer, Kayto!
Kayto: Yeah that would mak………. WAIT! How long did you know I was following you?
Selda: Kayto, I wouldn’t be the leader of the Hyrule Knights if I didn’t know if I was being tailed or not. So how about you come in as well. You know we are like family anyways. So I want you to find out while I find out as to what it is that my dad has in store behind this door.
Kayto: Ok *walks closer to Selda*
*Now the both of them are in front of the door*
Kayto: Can I open it?
Selda: Sure.
*Kayto opens the door*
Selda & Kayto: ITS YOU!
???: ……………….
*Back to the Starfox’s Great Fox mother ship*
A Great Fox pilot: Sir, we will be arriving in the Hyrule region in about ten minutes.
Fox Sr.: Thank you for letting me know. Now you pilots are just as important as our airwing pilots so I want you all to enjoy this time here as well.
All the Great Fox pilots: Thank you sir!
Fox Sr.: Take care *he says as he leaves the head of the ship*
Fox Jr.: Hey Dad.
Fox Sr.: Yes.
Fox Jr.: I was wondering if something was going on?
Fox Sr.: Like what?
Fox Jr.: Um………..
Fox Sr.: Come with me as I talk to the crew again.
Fox Jr.: Ok.
*They walk down the hall*
Fox Jr.: *looks at his dad as they walk & thinks to himself* (I wonder if he plans on doing something without us being involved. I know my dad & he almost never smiles during those speeches before he gives the crew leave time).
*They reach the sliding double doors*
Fox Sr.: Shall we?
*Back to the grassy field*
???: So you mean to tell me that I’ve been running all this time & I’m still nowhere close to a place that sells chill dogs. *sighs*
*An explosion goes off in the distance*
???: What was that? I have to see what's going on over there. Someone could be in trouble.
*He runs at “Sonic” speeds towards where he heard the explosion*
???: WHAT!? But this is……………. A huge castle. Who could have attacked it?
*A figure sits at the stump of a tree. Apparently afraid of something*
The other ???: *look up at the hedgehog* Wh..o are you?
???: My name is Sonic.
???: Well Sonic my name is Luigi.
Sonic: Luigi, can you tell me what happened here?
Luigi: Um…………….. I was at a toadstool store picking up some fire flowers then I saw some strange guys walking in the town. Next thing I know is that…………… *A fearful look appears on his face*
Sonic: Luigi, What is it?
???: He sees that you are about to be taken out just like the Mushroom Castle was just now.
*An energy ball is shot from a gun*
Frank The Narrator: Looks like Sonic's about to be blasted into dust. Doesn’t seem like he's gonna get out of there alive. So it's short & sweet for you, Sonic. But as far as the other guy, it seems like he may or may not have something to do with the Mushroom Castle’s current state. To find out what happens next, click the next part titled “Episode 2 of Fantasy Brawl”. Until next episode……….. Turn a Fantasy into a Reality. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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