Chapter Five

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"What did you say punk?" Said the boy sitting at the table. He suddenly shot up and got within inches of Saeran's face. "Is there a problem?"

"Yeah, a big problem. If you talk to her like that again, I'll make you regret it." He said with fire in his eyes. This won't end well...

"You threatening me!? You think you're tough don't you? I can say whatever the fuck I want-"

Before finishing his sentence, Saeran suddenly delivered an uppercut to the boys stomach, as he doubled over holding his gut and groaning in pain.

"C'mon, let's just get out of here." He said grabbing her arm forcefully and yanking her out of the doors into the hallway. If it wasn't for the fact that she had witnessed something shocking and unexpected, perhaps she would have collapsed right then and there from such sudden physical contact.

The two suddenly stopped a distance away from the cafeteria by several halls. Shelby remained speechless before Saeran was the first to speak up.

"Well... that was unexpected. So sorry you had to see that... sometimes I have a hard time controlling my anger."

She remained in shock, saying no words. Was he as protective of her as she was of him? It must be true love... they must be made for eachother... and no one else!

"Hey, are you okay?" He said to her still frozen face.

"I-I'm fine.. I'm okay."

"Good. Just ignore stupid people like that... Wish they were just gone sometimes."

Her eyes lit up.

"You know... I feel that way sometimes too. I get that." She said speaking her first full words since they saw eachother.

"You really do? Ahh, we seem to share a lot in common don't we? That's good."

They both smiled at eachother before Saeran continued on.

"Well, we really should both get to class. Don't tell anyone about what you saw! I'll know." He said jokingly.

"I won't! I promise."

"Good, good. I'll see you later then."

He began walking away as he waved to her. She could only stay still as her mind raced. She had her plan now... and it needed to be put together as fast as possible! She needed to seek out Alex!

-Several Hours Later-

"So you're telling me he... punched someone?" Alex said in confusion.

"Yes he did! I saw all of it happen in front of me!"

"Jeez, the past couple of days really haven't made sense have they..."

"They haven't but... I don't mind!"

"And there's a party you said? You said you have a plan for that..."

"Yesss, I do. It's... well, I'd like to say it's perfect and it seems it but I don't know for sure..."

"Does he know about this?"

"Oh no, I don't think I'll tell him. But I know how to make sure he isn't a part of it."

"Hmmm... care to explain this to me?"

They both spoke quietly in the hallway for several minutes, as she explained in detail her master plan. After her explanation, Alex responded.

"This... this sounds crazy!!"

"But it just might work! What's so wrong with it?"

"A lot of things... but maybe... maybe I know how to help actually."

"You do!? Please do!!"

"I will, I will! I can only hope we get away with this..."

End of Chapter Five.

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