Chapter 4

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The absurdity of her request simply made you stare at her in disbelief.

Did my words not hurt her?

Jungkook was in shock as well, as he looked between the two ladies in front of him with his wide eyes.

"Should I book an appointment for you in the hospital? I think you hit your head somewhere." You raised your brows, removing her grip on your hands.

"I didn't hit my head anywhere, but if that's what it takes to spend time with you, I'm willing to!" Jina said, her smile not disappearing. Looking at her eyes, you could see the unshed tears even though it was barely visible.

She was lonely, and she was willing to do anything to at least have a friend that she could talk to. You felt your heart ached, not for Jungkook, but her. You shouldn't be feeling like this for the very person who took your mate away from you. But you gave her a nod without thinking.

"I'll join you for dinner."

Jina's smile got even wider if that was even possible. Jungkook was still in shock, this time staring at his mate.

Putting your medical bag on your desk, you threw yourself on your bed and stared at the ceiling. Silently cursing your empathetic nature, you always cared too much for something that wasn't of your concern. Taking your pillow, you pressed your face against it and screamed into your pillow. Fresh tears staining the cover. All you wanted to do was drown in your sorrow and ignore them, letting them be in their little happy bubble. But this! This was just... plain cruel.

You have to witness them being in love at the front row seat

"Jaein?" You heard Jimin's voice from outside your room. When you didn't reply, he let himself in as you still had the pillow pressed against your face.

Feeling the tug at the edge of the pillow, you let him remove the pillow and his jaw dropped when he saw your tears.

Without alcohol in your system, you couldn't control your overwhelming emotions and the pain was suffocating.

"Save me." Your voice shook as you whispered.

He instantly wrapped his arms around your shoulder, forcing you to sit up and you wrapped your arms around his waist, your face pressing against his shoulder and staining his shirt with your tears. Rubbing your back, he tried to soothe you while your tears didn't show any signs of stopping.

Taehyung was in your room as well while you silently cried on Jimin's shoulder. He was leaning against the door, acting as a guard and chasing anyone who knocks on the door away.

Having enough of bawling your eyes out, you pulled away and sniffed, looking down at your hands.

"Feeling better?" Jimin asked quietly, and you nodded.

"You're not going to tell us what's going on with you, are you?" Taehyung asked, moving to lean against your closet instead, his hands in his jeans pocket.

Shaking your head, you stood up and went to wash your face.

"At least give us a hint?" Jimin asked.

"My wolf and I are just feeling ridiculously depressed nowadays." You said, covering your face after splashing it with water and you started massaging your sore eyes.

"Your wolf?" Taehyung sounded puzzled as he asked.

"This phase will pass. Are you guys close with Jina?" You asked as you wiped the water off your face with a towel before leaving the washroom, switching topics.

"Not exactly. We don't visit the packhouse as often after Jungkook announced that we were too noisy and would disturb her rest. Plus, it looked like he has been avoiding us after the wedding and we only meet on formal occasions, like training or if he needed something from us." Taehyung replied with a frown as he recalled the recent times he was with Jungkook.

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