Chapter 1: The Fall

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The sound of wind whistling in my ears calms me and the anger from before dissipates as I gallop across the moor. I can feel the muscle underneath me, I connect to it and concentrate on our direction. I hear thunder and look up, but the sky is clear. I crouch low and feel the power that responds to my beck and call. The power beneath me connects to my soul, I connect to it's. This feeling is unstoppable, it is bliss, it is a whole other world to the demeaning and unfriendly one we live in yet this feeling still exists. This feeling is riding free through the wild with my best friend, my horse.

As I gallop through the moor the scenery rushes past, trees and bushes, logs, and tiny rivulets of crystal clear water. King (That's my horse) leaped over a stream, clearing it with ease, next came a fallen tree branch, he jumped with a foot to spare. We had been jumping this natural course together for ages, every time another branch fell, I straightened it and it was added to the course. King loved to jump, so did I, this year we are trying out for the under 18's national British showjumping team. As we were heading back home I had the strange sensation that we were being followed. I stopped King and looked around but when there was nobody there, I clicked and told him to walk on. As we were walking I got that feeling again, so I quickly whipped my head around so I could see behind me and caught a glimpse of a bushy brown tail. Typical. The freaking squirrels are following us around again. They started following us a few weeks back when I put some food out for them, a terrible idea really, but what's a girl to do when there are ravenous squirrels about! Anyway, I stopped King near a tree stump to tighten the girth and fix my stirrups and was climbing back on when a squirrel appeared! he sat on the tree stump looking adorable as hell, I thought nothing of it and swung the rest of the way in the saddle. When I plonked my butt down the squirrel climbed up King's face and he started to rear! I was still on him and could tell he wasn't gonna land properly so I tried to jump off, but my foot got stuck in the stirrup! King came crashing down on top of me and my whole world plunged into darkness.

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