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I smack my head on the table as I curse at myself for not being able to focus on the case.

This girl committed 3 felonies and you can't focus? Seriously?

After an extremely long duration of 4 minutes and 20 seconds, I decide to fuck it and go on a run to clear my head.

I change and grab my phone along with my earphones. I head out and make sure to lock my door.

As I walk towards the end of my driveway, I glance up and notice him watering his plants.

I put my music on shuffle and begin my run.

He looked cute while doing that.

Didn't you want to clear your head?

Should I start watering my plants more often?

Bro seriously, we have a criminal to prosecute.

I guess I should, considering they don't last more than a week.


Okay okay!

I take a deep breath and exhale hoping to shut all my thoughts out.

He's definitely cute though.

"Distracting idiot."

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