That idiot. Is my idiot.

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(i have no suggestions so time to force myself to write :,) so send suggestions?)

RHM was VERY drunk. The clan had thrown a party and had convinced him into drinking, however no one dared ask Reginald. Soon enough the few people that weren't passed out or blackout drunk, watched as RHM stumbled over to Reginald. "heyyyyyy Regi~" RHM purred, too drunk to comprehend his actions. "what?" Reginald deadpanned, not looking up from the book he had been reading the whole time. "p-pay attention to meeee" RHM whined childishly. The few that were awake watched in awe. Reginald rolled his eyes and slid down into a sitting position against the wall he was leaning on, dragging RHM into his lap. Reginald didn't even look away from his book once in the process. RHM seemed satisfied, happily passing out in the other's lap. After a bit of silence the still awake members managed to start a truth or dare game with their sober boss. Eventually someone asked "truth or dare boss?" slightly scared. "truth" was the quiet reply.. "ya married? We all see a wedding ring..." the boldest quietly muttered. Reginald took his attention from his book to look at his hand. They were right. He sighed. "this idiot. Is my idiot." he said smirking, before returning to his book. The game lasted until they all fell asleep, including Reginald himself.

(The next day lmao)

Everyone had awoken with horrible headaches ( minus the group) except 2 people were still flat out. Most people had left except for a group of people looking at the two. The 'two people' were RHM and Reginald. RHM had wrapped his arms around Reginald's chest, while Reginald was cuddled into RHM. The group quickly got pictures before scurrying off so they dont get killed. RHM silently cursed his drunk self for the headache, finally noticing his husband flat out in his arms. He smiled to himself, thinking how lucky he is to have him. He snapped out of his thoughts, picking up the slightly smaller. He managed to stand, ignoring the pounding headache that came as the cost of alcohol. He walked through the halls, noting the smug faces that consisted of most the clan. He eventually made it to their quarters, quietly closing the door with his foot. RHM carefully set Reginald in their bed, climbing in himself not long after. He couldn't care less that he was in his work clothes at the moment. He fell asleep within a few seconds due to the damned headache.

(take it >:( lol)

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