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It was a crisp, biting winter morning in Nome, where the snow fell like a gentle veil over the sleeping town. Dusty trotted through the powdery streets, her paws crunching in the fresh snow, each step a soft echo in the quiet dawn. Her breath puffed out in white clouds, mingling with the falling snowflakes. The town was still, except for the occasional flutter of a bird's wings or the distant howl of a wolf. Dusty's mind was as cold and foggy as the air around her, filled with thoughts of Ralph. Their recent breakup left a void in her heart, a lonely ache that she couldn't shake. It seemed like every other female dog her age had found a mate—Kirby had even found one—and she was left alone, unsure of what her future held. Only Kodi, Ralph, and a few strays remained unpaired.

Kodi... Dusty couldn't help but think of him. He was undeniably handsome, with his striking resemblance to his father, Balto. But Kodi was different. He carried an air of independence, a carefree spirit that seemed to keep him from settling down. Dusty admired him from afar, her heart fluttering whenever he was near. But she knew better than to get her hopes up. Kodi loved his freedom more than anything, and he had shown no interest in finding a mate. With a resigned sigh, Dusty pushed those thoughts away, knowing she needed to focus on finding her own path.

Meanwhile, Kodi was lounging in the boiler room, the warmth from the old metal pipes seeping into his fur. He stretched lazily, shaking off the last vestiges of sleep. Despite his relaxed demeanor, his thoughts were anything but calm. Lately, he found himself thinking more and more about Dusty. She was different from the other females. She had a spark, a tenacity that drew him in. But when he found out she was with Ralph, he decided to keep his feelings buried, masking them with his usual laid-back attitude.

This morning, as he prepared for the mail delivery with his closest friends, he couldn't help but feel a bit off. Kirby, always the early riser, greeted him with a cheerful bark as they headed out of the boiler room together. The air was sharp and clean, the kind of morning that made you feel alive.

"Morning, Kodi!" Kirby's voice cut through the cold air, full of energy.

"Hi, Kirby," Kodi replied, trying to shake off the thoughts that had been weighing on him. As they walked toward the sled, he decided to broach the subject that had been on his mind. "Hey, Kirby, I heard you found yourself a mate recently."

"Yeah, her name is Snowy. What about you?" Kirby asked, a teasing glint in his eyes.

"Nah, not me. You know I'm not really into that stuff. Although, there is one dog I wouldn't mind going out with," Kodi admitted, his voice casual but his heart pounding.

Kirby raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Who's that?"

"I don't really want to say. She's with someone else anyway," Kodi replied, trying to play it cool.

"Come on, Kodi, spill the beans. You can trust me, I'm your best bud," Kirby urged, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Kodi hesitated, then finally let the words slip out. "Well, it's Dusty."

Kirby's eyes widened in surprise, a playful grin spreading across his face. "Oh, I forgot to tell you! Dusty and Ralph broke up."

"Really?" Kodi's ears perked up, the news hitting him like a gust of wind.

"Yeah! Anyway, we should probably head to the sled. The musher is waiting," Kirby said, steering the conversation back to the task at hand.

Kodi followed Kirby, his mind spinning with this new information. As they were harnessed up and ready to go, he couldn't help but steal a glance at Dusty. She was just behind him, her usual confidence replaced with a subtle sadness that tugged at his heart. The morning's delivery was short, just to a nearby town and back, but Kodi knew he had to talk to her before the day was done.

Balto IV: Wolf Destiny [BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now