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The sky hung heavy with foreboding, its gloom casting a somber hue upon the land below. The wind howled, carrying with it the promise of an imminent clash among the clouds. The elements seemed to prepare for a battle of cosmic proportions. As the first raindrops descended from the heavens, further drenching Balto's already wet fur, flashes of lightning streaked across the darkened sky. It was a tumultuous symphony orchestrated by nature itself.

Gradually, Balto regained his senses, the pain from his wounds subsiding. Yet, just as he began to gather his bearings, a peculiar pressure graced the areas where Fengen's claws had once marred his flesh. Intrigued, Balto surreptitiously shifted his gaze toward his injuries, his eyes widening in disbelief. A wolf, remarkably similar to himself, attended to his wounds. Were it not for the slight difference in size and the brown hue of its fur, Balto would have sworn it was his own reflection.

"What in the...?" Balto uttered, his voice laced with lingering pain.

"Oh!" the wolf exclaimed, acknowledging Balto's awakening. "You've regained consciousness. I thought you would remain unconscious for another day."

With considerable effort, Balto managed to rise to his feet, his gaze fixed upon the wolf who had come to his aid. Confusion danced within his eyes as he pondered the stranger's motives. Why was this wolf helping him?

"What have you done?" Balto questioned, his gaze shifting toward his nearly healed wounds.

"It's quite simple," the wolf responded matter-of-factly. "I saved your life."

Gratitude welled within Balto's chest, mingling with his bewilderment. However, one question remained lodged in his mind: why? Why had this wolf chosen to intervene?

"And I am grateful for that, but... why? Why did you do it? And... who are you?" Balto inquired, his voice tinged with curiosity. In that moment, he caught a glimpse of sadness flickering across the wolf's countenance.

"You truly don't remember?" the wolf asked, a tinge of sorrow coloring his words.

"Remember what?" Balto queried, his confusion deepening.

"Of course, you wouldn't remember! How could you? You were just a pup back then," the wolf mused, a hint of melancholy lacing his voice.

Perplexity etched itself upon Balto's face. Pup? What did the wolf mean? The threads of his memory began to unravel, and the tapestry of his past grew increasingly enigmatic.

"Wait... a pup? What are you talking about?" Balto probed, his curiosity overpowering his growing sense of confusion.

"Balto... All these years, I have done nothing but think of you," the wolf began, his voice weighted with emotion.

"How do you know my name?" Balto interjected, his voice tinged with incredulity.

"Because I am..." The wolf's words caught in his throat, sadness enveloping his heart before he could utter his true identity. Gathering his resolve, he drew a deep breath and continued, "Because I am your brother."

"What do you mean?" Balto asked, his voice filled with astonishment, his mind struggling to comprehend the wolf's revelation. "Who are you?"

"My name is Togo, and I am your brother," Togo replied, his gaze steady as he locked eyes with Balto.

"No, I don't believe you," Balto retorted, a hint of skepticism coloring his words. Togo approached his brother, his presence both comforting and enigmatic.

"Listen, brother," Togo began, his voice gentle yet resolute. "If my intention was to harm you, I would have abandoned you in that river. You were already unconscious after falling from the waterfall. It would have been a matter of time before you succumbed... but I saved you."

Balto IV: Wolf Destiny [BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now