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Hello. I'm Rachel Humming and I live with a brother, and my crush, Alex, whose family died of the pelage. I guess we live a normal life, but soon, all of that changes...

     "RACHEL?" My brother, Ben screamed. ""What? Ben are you ok?" I said as I ran to him. "You got bite again by Huro? Comon We both know he is a brat. Leave him alone Ben." I told him. He got all mad and yelled, "WELL HURO NEEDS TO CHILL." I looked at him and rolled my eyes. What was he thinking? "Look, Alex will be here any minute so you." I told him. My brother, Ben, is 9 years old and he is very hyper. Im 15 and so is Alex. We all rely on each other so we never part. "But Rachel!" He winned as he went to his knees, "I have SOCCER today!" He winned and winned until I told him he can go play soccer other than meeting up with Alex. 

     "Rachel? You here?" Alex said as his voice bonced off the walls. "You there?"                                                "Im here. Just go further in the cave." I told him as his face apeard in the light. He smiled and said, "Hey Rachel. I like you hair. It looks nice." I just kinf of smiled and brushed my hair out of my eyes. "Thanks." I said as I looked up at his hair and put my hand through and shook his hair a bit. "Anyway, we should go soon. The alpha will get mad if we arnt at the pack meeting tonight." He told me. I just shook my head in dissapointment. The pack meeting. My pack has a meeting all the time, and our alpha, the kids alpha, is a jerk. Theres only supposed to be one alpha every year, and once that alpha grows up, they will become the alpha of the pack. Me, I'm a diffrent story. Diffrent from anybody in the entire pack, but I should get to that later. 

   "Yeah lets go." I said. "Ben! Comon! We have to get to the meeting!" I yelled to Ben. He just groaned and moaned, "But we dont have to. You are an alp-" He said but he didnt finish because I stoped him. "Shut it Ben." Alex warned as we left the cave to the meeting, not to far where we live. Ok. I can explain now. I did say that there are only 1 alpha born every year, but sometimes, very rarely, it is 2 or 3.Its can happen. Yes, I am diffrent. If you got the hint, I am and alpha. Alphas have a mark. The mark of an alpha is diffrent everytime, but the marks are reapted. Girls are never the alphas, only boys and that waht makes me special. Alphas have a mark, 2 or more features of an alpha and a power. Me, though, I found out i am diffrent. I have more than 1 power and no features but my wolf far. So that explains a lot, right? Anyway, the Alpha is making a speech as well as out younger alpha. Lets see what happends.

     As we got to the meeting, all of the other wolfs were there already. And as soon as we got there the alpha called the meeting and we all went silent. "Fellow wolfs and pup, big and small, male and female, we called here today for an important meeting, non like the others I have ever done before," The Alpha said, " dieing." And as soon as he said that the crowd went into a gasp. "Shhh! I will no longer be alpha anymore. This one will." He explained as he put his hand up towards the young alpha. "Unless we have another alpha in the pack, that alpha will have to show us now, in order of the Ancesters-" he was interupted as the wolf pack all prayed, "To the great Ancesters." That was one of our traditions. Anytime the ancesters were mentioned, the wolf pack would pray. "Quiet." The Alpha said, "As I was saying, any alpha that has not been revilead, come up now and show us who you are." Just as said, a boy, Ethan, came up and showed his mark. The crowd gasped as they were shocked. "You?! You are an alpha?! A weakling?!" The "futer" alpha said. His name was Theo. Not the nicest at all. A jerk to be exact. "Yes. Yes i am." Ethan said. Ethan was the most kind hearted person I know. "You huh? Let it be another alpha! Who would like to train this youngling?"

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