Chapt. 2 | Arrival In London

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I stayed up from 4:00 AM to 6:01 AM to create this... 😂😂🤣🤣🤣 Anyways, enjoy!!!



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Wooyoung walked down, exiting the ship. They arrived at London, and he was to arrive at his home in 2 days and 1 night.

Wooyoung walked towards the carriage Infront of him, then he got on. He fished through the pocket of his jacket, he took out the ripped photo of Yeosang. Wooyoung smiled, missing his best friend already. He put the photo back into his pocket and looked out the window.

“We'll be staying at a place in the middle of town, but right now, we need to keep low and fake our identities Master Wooyoung.” Wooyoung nodded at the maid, sitting Infront of him. Dressed as an average woman. Wooyoung looked out the window, rain started to pour down. Wooyoung smiled, he liked the coldness... It made him feel relaxed.

They've Arrived...

Wooyoung got off the carriage and looked at the building right Infront of him. He walked towards the entrance door, and a foreign man greeted him, speaking English.

“Hello, Welcome. Hope you enjoy it here.”

Wooyoung smiled awkwardly, he understood what he had said, but he had a hard time speaking it.

“I- W-We will.” Wooyoung said, the stranger smiled and nodded, “What is your name sir?” Wooyoung struggled for a second, but replied, “J-James.”

Wooyoung knew he couldn't slip out his identity, so he did the only thing he knew was best, it was to LIE.

“You have a unique eye colour Sir, it's so rare.” Wooyoung smiled and laughed, looking down, nervously.
“Well, Sir. James. Shall I escort you to your room? Would you please show me your room number?"

Wooyoung smiled and nodded, he took out his card, the number written 26 on it, The stranger nodded and started leading Wooyoung to the way.

“Okay, here we are. Feel free to ask anyone here anything if you need help, we're all good people. Okay now, goodbye Sir. James.” Wooyoung bowed down respectfully, and watched as he left. Wooyoung closed the door and locked it, then turned around, looking around.

It looked too... OLD. But Wooyoung just smiled, “Well... If I wanna go through the best, I've gotta go through the worst.” Wooyoung sighed and plopped himself down onto the bed, it was soft and okay, “Maybe it really isn't that bad.” Wooyoung said.

And just as he said that, the whole curtain on his left, fell down the window. “I shouldn't say thing without being sure.” Wooyoung sighed as he closed his heavy eyes and slept... It was a long day for him, and he wanted to finally sleep... And now... He was finally free to sleep.


“Psst! San!”

“What is it Mings?”

“Oh, Nothing. It's cause you looked dead, just making sure.”

“Did you hear about the guy coming here? Was it true?”

“What the heck? Why is it that even though your locked up in here and I'm not, you hear alot of stuff from the outside, and I never?”

“Maybe it's because you too busy smooching behind doors with your boyfriend Yunho.”

“WHAT THE- Who told you that?”

“No one... I can hear stuff. Remember?”

“I envy you sometimes ya know.”




“Did you say anything San?”

“No? Why?”

“Oh, thought I heard something.”


“Is that you San?”

“What the hell you talking about?”

“Man, I've really got to sleep. Bye San, I'm gonna go and rest for a while. See you later.”

*Leaves and locks the door*

“Stop it.”

What do you mean?”

“Stop scaring them.”

Why not?”

“No Reason, just stop.”

Haha, okay fine. But remember, this doesn't change the fact that your still a beast. I'm you, and your me... Stick with it.”

“I don't care.”

One day, YOU WILL.”



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