I drove home and grabbed my stuff out the car and began walking to my porch as soon as I get to my front door I take out my keys and began unlocking the door.
I unlocked the door and opened it quietly and began walking inside I closed the door.
And started walking up the stairs as I see my passed out dad sleeping on the couch.
I got to my bedroom and opened my door and walked in and put my stuff down and walked to my door and locked it.
I walked to my closet and got some clothes and went to my bathroom and took a shower.
After I took a shower I put this on
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And laid down on my bed a and started scrolling through Instagram until I got a text from an unknown number. ________________________________ Unknown number
unknown- Hey😊
Y/n✨-umm who's this?🤔
unknown-oh sorry it's Katie😅
changed unknown to 🥰kat
✨Y/n- Oh hey Katie I'm sorry I didn't know it was you😂
🥰Kat-oh no it's ok I wanted to ask you something?
✨Y/n- sure what is it?
🥰kat-oh I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the mall today at right now.
✨Y/n-sure but aren't you in school?
🥰Kat-yes but it's boring and I want to skip to spend time with you
✨y/n- ok sure do you want me to Pick you up?
🥰Kat-yes please I'll be waiting In the front of the school for you Ok.
✨Y/n- ok i'll be there in 20 minutes
🥰Kat-ok _______________________________
I got up and grabbed my keys and wallet And unlock my door and began walking down stairs.
Until I got to the bottom of the stairs I stopped and froze my heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach as I look and see my dad he looks really mad.
Y/d- "where do you think your going"he said.
Y/n- "somewhere with a friend" I say.
y/d-"no your not" he says. He Chargers at me and begins hitting me I pushed him off of me and run down the stairs and to the front door .
And open it and run out side he Chases after me but I got in side my car before him and started it a drove off and went to school.
I picked up Katie and we decided we wanted food so we both agreed to go to Chick-fil-A and get food so we drove there.
And got off and went in side and ordered food and left to go eat at the park we got to the park and parked and began eating are food.
After we got done with are food and through the trash away and we decided it was time to go to the mall.
So we drove to the mall and got off and walked in and.............
Sorry cliffhanger🤪I was kinda in a rush to finish this chapter because I have to go some where but I will post tomorrow and we'll that's all hope you in joyed it.💗