The Begining

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What is love? Well love is a mix of emotions, behavior's, and beliefs associated with strong feelings of affection, protectiveness, warmth, and respect for one another. For example, a person might say he or she loves his or her dog, loves freedom, or loves god.

You might ask yourself why I say that is, well that's because right now I am facing Hina ebina the yaoi of my class room thanking me. Thank you hikitani-kun for helping with my request she said bowing her head no problem I inquired back you know I'll like to go out with you if that's alright with you? she asked don't say things like that if you do I might fall for you I said fall for you yeah I thought she is a pretty girl, she doesn't hide behind a mask like some people do if I had to say I'll say she is some something genuine I see you as someone I can learn to love, I never really had such an experience. mostly because I am selfish and greedy but you don't hide who you truly are I admired that of you she said don't hide who I am huh what should I do? Can she be the genuine thing for me? Possibly, I have nothing to lose right now and if I goes down hill I am the most hated in school already so why not try it out. I'll go out with you, believe it or not i am also trying to change so why not change with someone who is trying to change to I said she had the most adorable smile on her face I've seen if i was any other man I would've already fell of her luckily i am not. Ok than Hikitani-kun please take care of me she said

   Ebina x hachimanWhere stories live. Discover now