Home Sweet Home

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She woke up and saw Noah eating.
Y/n: Hey
Noah: Your awake, thank god
Y/n: I want to go home
Noah: Well you have to stay here for a week
Y/n: Ughh I'm so tired of hospitals
Noah: Yea so am I
You call Nessa.
Nessa: Yea
Y/n: Wanna come visit me
Nessa: I'm on my way!
Y/n: Yay see you in a lil bit
Noah: I'm going to go see Blake, unless you want me to stay
Y/n: No it's fine Nessa will be here in a little while
Noah: Alright
Noah leaves
Nessa gets there.
Nessa: Hii
Y/n: I missed you
Nessa: I missed you too
Y/n: When I leave this hospital we are going to have a spa day
Nessa: Sounds good to me
Y/n: So have you talked to josh?
Nessa: Yea he already has a new girlfriend
Nessa: Yea
Nessa: I kinda have feelings for someone else
Y/n: Who, Omggg tell me
Nessa: His name is Nick he is in the hype house
Y/n: Ooouuu
Nessa:Well I have to go get ready I have a date with him
Y/n: Ok bye
Nessa: Bye love you
Y/n: Bye I love you
Nessa left and you went on your phone and did a tiktok.
(Posted it on tiktok)
After a while Noah walked in the room.
Noah: The doctor said that we can go
Y/n: Thank god
You guys packed your bags and left.
You held Noah's hand.
You guys get in the car and drive home.
You invited Bryce and Olivia over.
Olivia is kios girlfriend
Bryce: Hey guys
Olivia: Hiii
You call Addison and tell her to come.
Then you call Blake.
You, Noah,, Bryce and Olivia did a tiktok.
(It is also on tiktok)
You hear the doorbell and see Addison.
Addison: Hii
You all went and watched a movie.
Then you hear the doorbell again.
Noah went and answered it
Noah: What's up
Blake: Hey, wow you guys started the movie without me
Y/n: Sorry you got up and hugged him.
You and him did a tiktok
(You guessed it, it's also on tiktok😹)
You all ate and everyone said bye to you and Noah.
Before Addison left you asked her if she wanted to shop for a stroller and car seat tomorrow with you and Noah and Bryce.
Addison: Ofc
She hugged her and she left.
You took a shower and then layed down on the the bed watching tiktok.
Noah jumped on the bed.
Noah: I love you
Y/n: I love you too
You guys watched a movie and fell asleep.

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