1) Stressful

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Picture of Ivan Morrison.

In the head office of  Iorris group of companies, sat Ivan Morrison the CEO himself, with the most gloomy expression on his face due to stress. 

He wasn't having a good day at all and his secretary Alicia wasn't helping  matters either. A knock sounded on his office door and he already knew who it was so he just sighed tiredly and responded with a

"Yes Alicia, what is it?"

"Sorry to bother you boss but your mother is on the line and she wishes to talk to you, I tried to tell her to call you later but she wouldn't take no for an answer" she replied with a worried tone, knowing her boss has had a very stressful day and yet there's still more to come.

He sighed and rubbed his hand over his face "it's okay, just connect her to me"

"Yes sir" she exits back to her desk.

Moments later, came a very chirpy voice from the telephone and he rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Hi my baby" she sounded happy

"yes mother, what can I do you for this fine afternoon?" He answered in mock tone knowing his mum this happy only means one thing.

"Oh come on, Ivan am you mother and you don't seem to give me attention at all, you are either busy or avoiding me and I have to book appointment just to talk to my own son!"  she says a bit down, you could almost feel her pouting. 

He gritted his teeth knowing the woman is now emotionally blackmailing him with a sad voice she knows would get to him.

"I'm sorry mother but I only avoid you because you talk about the same thing whenever you call, and you know very well that it's something am not ready for"

"But Ivan_" Ivan wasn't having any of it right now

"Stop it mother!, if this is why you called am sorry but I have to hung up cus am having a very stressful day already, please don't add yours." He gritted out

"It's okay but please promise to hear me out first" she said hopeful

He sighed as he roll his eyes " okay fine, go ahead am listening, what plans are you cooking up this time"

She chuckled "anyway how are you doing my love"

"I'm fine mother, how are you and dad doing as well?"

"We are good thanks"

"That's nice,tell dad I'll call him sometime" Not really

"Anyway I met Mrs. Vanessa today and we spoke for awhile"

"Okay well, hope all is well?"

"Well she wasn't alone, she was with this fine damsel, you remember her daughter Antoinette right?"

"Yes mum what's wrong with her?" He asked dryly

"Well I want you two to get along and get to know each other, who knows maybe you both could end up getting married and giving me the grandkids that I always wished for"

"No mother, don't you start" he hissed

"Please do this for me one last time and if it doesn't work I promise I'll lay off your back and let you find your own wife"

"Fine! Just don't get your hopes up"
"Anyway bye, I still have a lot to do" he says a bit irritated.

"Yeah it's always work, you sound really tired and edgy today have you been taking care of yourself? Please eat well and take some breaks I beg you" she says worriedly

"I will mum, I have to go,bye now, love you" with that he hangs up before his mother could get a word out.

He sighed and sagged into his chair more and just closes his eyes to relax a bit.

Five minutes of relaxing later Alicia came knocking again.

"What is it Alicia can't I just have some peace!" He says annoyed

"I'm sorry boss but am here to remind you of your meeting with Massive Corp"

She says checking her iPad

"And the venue has being moved sir, so you'll be meeting them at Swiss restaurant at 2pm"

He nodded with a "Thank you"

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