Trouble in paradise

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Alex's POV:

When we got to school I could feel everyone staring at us. Most of the time it wouldn't bother me but I felt bad for Rachel. We had to split up for the first class of the day so we both walked to our classrooms trying to ignore the looks we were getting. The whole day went by so slowly and I was getting fed up with all of the questions. At the end of the day I was at my locker when a group of people approached me. "Is it true?" I rolled my eyes. "Is what true?" "Are you seriously dating that freak. I mean why bother with her anyway. Shouldn't you be dating someone I don't know normal." "I guess I just felt bad for her. I mean I pitted her. And when she kissed me it is not like I was going to say no. I mean when someone is as broken as she was you can't just say no to them. Who knows what she would have done without me." I knew those words were a lie. She is the strongest person I have ever met. I have never once pitted her. I just wanted them to leave me alone so I could go home and cuddle with my angel.When I looked down the hall I saw Rachel. No this can't be happening. She looked at me like she didn't know who I was. There was no hint of sadness on her face. There was nothing no hint of emotion she just nodded then turned and walked down the hall. I could hear the group of people laughing behind me. But they were drowned out by the realization of what I had just done. I took off down the hall after Rachel I needed to talk to her. I Ran as fast as I could until I caught sight of red hair. I ran over to her. "Angel stop talk to me please. I didn't mean it." That sounded like such a cliche but it was true. She stopped walking and turned to look at me. All I saw was anger written across her face. "Don't worry about me I am not your burden anymore. Isn't that what you meant well it doesn't matter anymore you don't have to waste your breathe on me anymore." With that she started walking again suddenly she stopped and turned around. "Oh and by the way it's Rachel not angel." Those words shattered my heart into pieces. "What have I done." I whispered to myself. I knew exactly what I had done I had just ruined the best thing in my life. I felt a tear run down my cheek.

Rachel's POV:

Since I didn't have a place to live anymore. I went to the one place I knew. When I opened the door all the memories washed over me. "Home sweet home." The police had taken most of my dads things so there was nothing but empty beer cans to remind me of him. I walked into my old room it seemed smaller. I laid on my bed and let tears fall down my face. I love her and all it was to her was a joke. It all was meaningless I was meaningless to her. After about an hour I decided that I was not going to wallow over someone who never loved me. So I got up and started cleaning everything. That night I was changing when I remembered the night I showed Alex my scars. That was the first time in forever that I had truly let someone in. But it doesn't matter now it is over.

Alex's POV:

When I got home I ran up to my room. Everywhere I looked I saw her. Her clothes, pictures, her drawings Everything. I fell to the floor crying. Why did I say those things? Rachel would never have said something like that about me. She Is so much stronger then I am. She would have told them to shove it that I was the best thing to happen to her. But not me I just had to fuck it all up. But I am not giving up I love her and I am going to prove it. Mom came home a couple hours later. "Hey honey where is Rachel?" I ran up to her and hugged her. "I missed up so bad I hurt her and I don't know what to do." She started stroking my hair. "Hey it is going to be ok. Do you want to know why?" I nodded. "When she looks at you it is like you are the only thing that matters. Like there is not a single person in this world that can compare to you. And you look at her like she is your entire world. You are at your happiest when you two are together. I want to give you something." My mom let go of me and took off her wedding ring. "I have been meaning to give you this. When I lost your father my world fell apart. He was the love of my life. But the love of yours is still out there. It is never to late to fix things between you two. So I want you to take this ring and give it to her when the time is right." I took the ring and hugged her. "Thank you mom I know what I am going to do." The next day I walked into school with a plan. I walked over to Rachel and handed her a rose. "What the hell is this for?" "Rachel will you go to homecoming with me?" "What no I will not go with you." "Ok that is fine but promise me one thing. You will at least attend." She rolled her eyes at me. "I don't owe you shit. But lucky for you I already was planning on going. So what are you planning on ruining that for me to?" I smiled and walked away The plan has begun. Homecoming was in two weeks everything had to be perfect.

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