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Gray's POV

I watched as Natsu fell to the floor in pain. I was still holding his arm so I let go and it slammed on the floor. "You son of a bitch..." I heard him whisper to himself. I went down to Natsu's height and went Infront of him. I held his good arm and looked at him. He looked back at me and I could easily tell that he was crying. The hell do I do?!! I saw Gajeel come running over and he started helping Natsu. "It's ok, what happened...?" He asked him. Natsu just looked back down and then Gajeel looked at me.

"What did you do...?" He asked angrily. "I grabbed his arm and it clicked." I said and Gajeel raised an eyebrow. "You broke my arm..." Natsu whispered and I started getting scared. "Erza's going to kill me!" I raised my voice at Gajeel and he started laughing really hard. "THAT'S NOT VERY MANLY OF YOU TO CRY NATSU!!!" Elfman screamed at him and everyone turned to face the three of us.

"Is he ok...?" Mirajane asked. "I'm fine!" Natsu raised his voice and looked back up at me. "I hate you!" He said aggressively and I death stared him. "Love you too." I smiled and he started laughing. "Gray, what happened...?" Mira asked. "I think Natsu broke his arm." I said and everyone was shocked. "We should probably get Porlyuscia then." Lucy said and started heading there with Erza and Wendy.

Natsu's POV

As we watched Lucy, Erza and Wendy walked out of the guild, me and Gray kept saying weird things to each other. "I'm a dinosaur." I said and we both laughed. "Oh yeah, well I'm a microwave." He said. "I identify as a toaster, try me!" I raised my voice and we both laughed really hard.

We both heard the door open and I noticed Porlyuscia with Lucy, Wendy and Erza right behind her. They all came over to us and Porlyuscia laughed at me. "Ok, toaster I will help you." Porlyuscia said to me, well someone's in a good mood...

Gray breaks Natsu's arm *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now