Chapter 34

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Another normal day in the house... And that's what I thought

I and chisaki are walking in the park let's just say...were on a date right now.

I was thinking of Mikasa because it's been a month since I was looking for her but still, there no sign of her.

Even her old house, I come to her old house with Kuruno because Kai had something to do.

But when we got there they said Mikasa was no longer there

I'm disappointed of course because I didn't even thank her erasing my memory of Akio before because if she didn't..who knows?

Maybe I wouldn't be able to love Kai because of the trauma of that...or maybe I wouldn't meet Kai after all...

And yet I'm disappointed too that she erased it because my memory of her was also erased.

I was happy that she erased my memories with Akio because I did not have a trauma and loved Kai

But I'm also sad that she had to sacrifice our friendship and leaves me so I can't remember anything...

'Idiot' I thought

"Do you want something to drink?" he asked me while we're in the bench sitting and just looking at the people out there.

I shook my head "Yeah, are you thirsty too?" I asked, he let go of my hand and stood up

"Allright, I'm going to get you some drink or whatever" he said about to leaved but he stop and turned to me

"Are you gonna be alright?" he said I chuckled and nod

"Yeah, don't worry" I said with that he eventually leaved me.

A couple of minutes pass but Kai is not back yet, maybe there's so many people in the cafe or something...which is bad

He doesn't like to be in the crowed and touched he really hate a physical contact to other people while he gets clingy with me...ridiculous man

Thinking and imagining him being in the crowd made me laughed but I stopped when I heard a loud scream and people was starting to run

I stand up and saw people running

"Let's put of here!"

"Where's my baby?!"

"Go Run! save yourself!"

"A villains!!!"

A villains? why? what was happening people was screaming and also panicking.

I saw a little girl stripped which I quickly run towards to her

And help her get up she's already crying and quickly hug me when I get her up

"Shh... It's okay" i said as I pat her back

"My mama lost me" She said I smiled and let go the hug "Let's find your mom okay?"

I said and gave her a big smiled so she wouldn't be scared

"Look what we have here" a random voice said made me turn look and saw a tall villain I quickly hide the girl behind me and clench my fist

"What do you want?!" I said and ready to use my quirk but he smirked and scan me

"You look cute" he said made my eyes widened

"I don't care to your opinion!" I said and touch the ground I froze his body and he just laughed at me after I did.

"Nice try, princess" he said I quickly look at the little girl who's been hiding in my back and smiled

"Go, run without me okay? I'm going to fight this bad guy" I said

Her tears started to fall into her cheeks and nod "Take care for me onee-chan!"

She said while running made me chuckled and look again at my front

This will be my first time using my quirk to an enemy...oh wait actually second time the first one is when Akio kidnapped me

The villian that I froze is still smirking.

"I want you, can I have this one?" He asked at the other villain in his shoulder

Wait did they have some communication or something? Oh my

"You'll coming with daddy okay?" He said and break the ice in his body, this asshole did just want me to call him Daddy? never in a million years!

Where are you Kai...I need you right now and your not gonna like when you heard that

My eyes widened and shook my head "No way..." I mumbled to myself he just nod and smile

"Yes way" he said and started walking towards to me

I step back and keeps attacking him with my quirk which is not effective because his Just destroying it

'Is his quirk is super strength or something?' I said to myself.

"Gave up already, your coming with me alright?" he said smirking to me I shook my head

"No!" I yelled and attacked him one more time.

"I really hate when someone keeps claiming what's mine"

I heard a voice that made me smile and look who belongs to

Kai look at me and scan my body "Are you hurt?" he asked and started to remove his gloves

"I'm fine" I smiled  he nod

"Huh, Who's that? your boyfriend?" the villian said grabbing my attention and smirk

"Yes" i shortly replied and step back

I run towards to Kai he hide me behind his back and look at the villian.

"So you really think you can stop me?" the villain asked smirking

"I don't know...can I?" Kai said made me smiled and proud at him this will be the first time I'm gonna see him using his quirk to an enemy.

The villian run towards to Kai and about to punch him but when

Overhaul use his quirk the villain explode making the ground full of his blood

I would be laying if I didn't say I'm scared least he protect me, right?

He turned to me and walk closer to me while wiping some of the blood that get in his arms.

"You should've call me" he said with a serious tone my eyes winded and thinking if his mad I just looked down

The next thing I know Kai is hugging me

"I'm not mad... I'm just" he said I hugged him back tight

"I'm sorry... I just wanted to protect the girl earlier" I explained

he gave me a nod and pulled down his mask he brushe his lips into mine and gave me a small smile

"Let's go home" he said I nod

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