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*Daniel's Pov*
I wake up to my alarm I turn my alarm off and groaned I then remembered that today is my first day of school and also my friends one of my friends name is Zach and the other is Jonah see your wondering how do I have from if I am barely starting school well my friend just didn't want me to go and move out so they asked their parents if they can come live with me and my parents they said yes of course but that's a story for later then I heard a knock and my mom's voice

Keri:Daniel are you up sweetie?


Keri:ok get ready because Jonah and Zach are waiting for you!


I get up and walk to my closet I grab a plain black T-shirt a Bennie and black ripped jeans I the walk to my bathroom and brush my teeth I fix my hair and then go back to my room and grab my bag then grab my phone and put it in my pockest I walk down stairs and see Jonah and Zach on the couch waiting for me

Jonah:sup bro.
He says while standing up

Daniel:sup! We all handshake

Zach:ready to go?

Daniel:since when did you start waking up so early?

Zach punches me playfully and me and Jonah laugh

Zach:come on let's just go already!!

Daniel:ok let me just grab my car keys!

I run upstairs and grab my car keys from my night stand I walk back down stairs and we go to the car and I start to drive

*at school*
We get out of my car and we see lots of teens outside

Jonah:this place is full of other teens!
He says suprised

Daniel:no... There are only kindergarten kids here.
I say sarcastic

Daniel:duh there are going to be lots of teens!

Zach:let's just go to the principal office!


We walk to the entrance and I see lots of people look at us and I see some one walking towards us

*Corbyn's Pov*
I was looking at the new kids come in and I don't think they are wolves we walk over to them and he turns around to look at us



Corbyn:I'm Corbyn and these are my friends Jack and Eben

Daniel:I'm Daniel a

Jack:I'm Jack a curly hair boy said

Jonah:and I'm Jonah a tall one said

Corbyn:you guys new here? I asked

Daniel:yup why? The blondy asked

Corbyn:here follows us
I told them to follows us so we can take them to the principal's office and they did follow us once we got there I opened the door and we see the principal

Corbyn:hey Mr.Webber

Mr.webber:please Corbyn I told you not to call me that

Corbyn:sorry Jake

Jake:that's more better and who are these kids? Wait you must be Jack Jonah and Daniel right? Jake asked

Daniel:yeah that's us the blondy says

Jake:well I'm the principalr.webber but you can call me Jake

Jake:here are your schedule's he gives them the schedule's
And smiles

Daniel:thank you sir me Jake.jake tells the blondy

Daniel:ok thank you...Jake the blondy says

Jake:ok guys now go to class

We get out and we were walking through the halls and I heard whispers

Girl:oh my god look Corbyn is so hot! She says to another girl

Girl 2:I know right but look at Jack and eben!! The other girl replies

Me and Eben look at them and wink then they start to squeel

Corbyn:so Daniel tell me why you guys came here?

Daniel:I ummm can we please not talk about that right now? He says a bit sad

Corbyn:uhhh sure? Maybe later?

He looks at me and nods Jack Eben and Jonah went to their first period witch was history and me Daniel and Zach went to math once we got there I sat on my chair and Daniel sat next to me cause he didn't know where else to sit then the teacher came in

*lunch time*

*Daniel's Pov*

We were walking to the cafeteria and someone came up to me and pushed me I then fell back and all kids started surrounding us I then start to tear up because this is exactly what happened back in my old school...they bullied me the boy kicked me in the stomach and I groaned I started to cry because he started to punch me but then I heard someone


That sounds like...Corbyn!
I look up and see the boy terrified

???:I-I'm sorry Alpha!

Corbyn pushed the boys aside and helped me up I had tears streaming down my face and Corbyn saw

Corbyn:you ok?

I look at him and cried more

Daniel:No I'm not ok this is exactly what happened at my old school and this is the reason I moved!!

Corbyn:I'm so sorry. He hugged me and I hugged back I had a busted lip and we pull away


Corbyn:yeah? He asked

Daniel:Why did he call you alpha?


Hope you liked it😊

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2020 ⏰

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