08. Tumbling Down The Rabbit Hole

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In which being ignored can cause you damage

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Ming was on his way back to the uni from the beach resort since they had done with the promo shoot this morning, with Ming needed to have an extra shoot since he skipped his part yesterday. Ming hitched a ride with Forth's friend's car along with Forth himself and Wayo. His best friend was sulking at his P'Pha and refused to get in the same car with him and preferred to tag along with Ming.

"Yo, you sure you're going back with us?" Ming asked again for the second time when their car drove away from the hotel's parking area.

"Of course! It's BFF over BF, Ming! He should have known that. I told him that before I agree to date him. " His best friend answered, slightly annoyed. "Can't believe he got jealous over you. Stupid P'Pha!" He sulked.

Ming just shook his head in amusement at his best friend. He felt half guilty since he was part of the reason the couple had a fight but he also felt a touch at the thought that even though Wayo was in a relationship and head over heels in love with Phana, Ming was still his priority.

"I'm getting sleepy," Ming mumbled, a yawn escaped him.

"Go take a nap, I'll wake you up when we arrive." Forth who sat at the front seat said, turning his neck to look at his two juniors with a fond look. "You too, N'Yo."

Ming hummed an answer and shifted his body around and leaned his head to find a comfortable spot on the car seat headrest,  which a bit hard to do with his best friend attached on his side like an extra limp cuddling up on Ming. Yo refused to leave him alone, saying Ming still had his kicked puppy look on his face.

As Ming closed his eyes, his mind drifted back to what happened last night. Ming was eating his dinner with his beloved watching him. Kit didn't eat with him because he had already eaten. "I'm not a fool who would have skipped a meal, let alone two." His beloved scolded, glaring at Ming. It wasn't really a dinner date but Ming was satisfied enough to have his KitKat accompanying him. He made the foods Ming ate taste much more delicious.

Ming was still eating when his phone rang. It was his ex-girlfriend Muwan who called him. Ming dated Muwan the longest and when they broke up they still keep in touch with each other and their relationship was still good. Ming picked up his phone and chatted with her like he usually did, but few minutes into their conversations, Ming was startled when Kit suddenly stormed out of his room without saying anything. Ming immediately hung up his phone and went to catch his KitKat, but his beloved kept stomping away without looking back nor was he answering Ming's desperate and confusing call, and went straight back to his and Beam's room, completely ignoring Ming.

They had not talked since then since Kit avoided him like plague. Ming felt utterly confused, pondering on what did he do wrong again? He felt like being tossed from heaven to hell. One moment he was happy, his KitKat was happy, and in a blink of an eye that happiness was swept away and his beloved left him without words.

Ming spent the night restless, unable to catch a sleep and when he did, he was woken up by a nightmare. He couldn't remember what it was he dreamt about, but he remembered the terrifying feeling that drenched him when he startled awake, shot up in bed with a cry, only to throw a hand over his mouth at the last second. He remembered laying back down, ignoring the sweat-soaked sheets and closed his eyes with his body trembling. Ming knew if he took his hand away, the whimpers would escape. He remembered the trembling escalated and finally overwhelmed him and he went into a panic, heavy breathing, eyes flitting around the room, and sweat pouring down his face.

Ming couldn't go back to sleep after that. He spent the whole night trying to keep himself together and barely succeed. Thanks to the sleeplessness he suffered through the night, he got another scold this morning. He seemed to get that a lot as of late. This time, the scold was from the make-up artist who had to cover not just his haggard look but also the dark rings beneath his eyes.

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