Episode 1: In Which There Is Awkwardness

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Episode 1: In Which There Is Awkwardness
~Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!~
Only going to do this once, but this should be fairly easy to remember:
"Normal"-Humans talking
Bold-Episode script

"Italics"-Pokemon speech



Pikachu yawned as he stretched out, blinking to wake himself up, before trotting over to where Ash was lying haphazardly over the bed and snoring loudly. 'Oh, yet another morning has arrived.'

Considering how Pikachu couldn't sleep last night due to constant thoughts running through his head of what they could be shown, he was more exhausted than usual. Thus, he didn't even try any other methods of waking Ash up before immediately turning to his Plan B.

He took in a deep breath, and let out a powerful thunderbolt.


"AAAAAAAAGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Bonnie jumped, glanced towards Ash's room and laughed nervously.

Serena, who was looking through the kitchen cabinets, smiled. "I guess Ash woke up."

"More like Pikachu woke him up, yeah." Clemont confirmed. He paused. "I wonder if that's normal."

Bunnelby exchanged looks with Fennekin and Dedenne, who both merely shrugged.


"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR!?" Ash snapped, jumping out of the bed and pointing accusingly at an un-amused electric type staring dryly at Ash on the bed.

Fletchling groaned from his spot on one of the cabinets-the room strangely had no windows-and stretched out as well. "Why are you screaming so loudly in the morning...?"

Froakie blinked and stared at Ash, who was going off on a full-blown rant directed towards Pikachu, who just stared at Ash with a look that regarded him like he was stupid. "That's...interesting..."

Fletchling ruffled his feathers."I'm getting out." Without even waiting for a reply, Fletchling flapped out of the room towards the main movie theater room, where the kitchen was nearby-which also happened to be where Clemont, Bonnie, Serena, and the other Pokemon were as well.

Froakie sighed and just watched dazedly at the two partners' shouting match. 'Seriously...this certainly is new...'


After a quick breakfast of toast and milk tea, the group headed to the main room to prepare themselves for what they were about to watch.

Considering the amount of seats, the group just sat in the same area to watch together. Ash sat in the middle of the group, with Pikachu by his side. Bonnie sat a seat next to him, Clemont on her left. Serena sat on Ash's right with her Pokemon, while Froakie and Fletchling settled beside Ash as well. Bunnelby and Dedenne sat near Clemont and Bonnie as well.

"Alright," Ash began uneasily as the group settled down. "Should we begin?"

Nods were exchanged as the group turned the screen, which magically turned on.

Dramatic music began to play as a logo with the words, "Pokemon: XY The Series" were shown on screen.

"Pokemon: XY? The Series?" Clemont questioned, then shook his head. "We've barely started and I already have a lot of questions."

Bonnie nodded vigorously in agreement.

The scene changed to a windowsill was shown as soft music began to play. A Fletchling flapped its wings and landed on the windowsill and chirped out its name.

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