Finding the Meaning

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Tul shook his head as he tried for the third time to get his car to turn over. He knew his 20yr old chevy camaro was on her last legs and after replacing the trasnmission 6 months ago and the battery 3 weeks ago he didn't have any more money to put into his baby. He figured it had to be the starter but why did today have to be the day it decided to take a shit.

His boss had been riding his ass about this client for the past week and today was the final meeting before they met with the IRS. He couldn't be late.

Tul had been working as an auditor for a prestigious accounting firm. He had been recruited right out of college and promised fast opportunities for advancement and upward mobility. However, 2 years later he was still in the same position with no escape in site.

Banging his fist against the steering wheel in frustration he grabbed his bag off the passenger seat slammed the door behind him and started running to the train station.

If he made the next train he'd get to the office just minutes before the meeting was scheduled to start. If he screwed this up his boss would fire him for sure. He'd been looking for an excuse to get rid of Tul ever since last Christmas when the man had tried to steal a kiss at the end of year banquet and Tul had refused his advances.

Tul hadn't said anything about the attemped kiss or the supposedly accidental ass grabs since then, because he would never out anyone regardless of how shitty they treated him on a daily basis. Besides it's not like Tul could prove his boss was harassing him or out to get him. There wasn't any proof one way or another and in a game of he said he said Tul didn't like his odds.

There were days Tul would swear he was born under an unlucky star, dispite his mom's assurance to the contrary

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There were days Tul would swear he was born under an unlucky star, dispite his mom's assurance to the contrary. October 1 was the harvest moon the year he was born and his mom said that was a sign of long life and true love. However for these past 22yrs of his life nothing ever seemed to go his way.

Although high school had been relatively easy for him thanks to his love of numbers, being smart didn't always lead to an abundance of friends. The one friend Tul had in high-school had gone to another college and the two had lost touch leaving the shy and somewhat awkward Tul to fend for himself in college.

Coming from a single parent home money had always been tight. Tul's father had died when he was just twelve years old when a drunk driver crossed the white line sending his car off the side of a cliff. His mom worked 2 jobs to keep a roof over their heads, the lights on and the two of them fed. It was a struggle, day to day, but they always made each other laugh sitting around the table in their cozy 2 bedroom apartment.

One day during his final year in high school Tul noticed his mom slowing down. Her normal cheery smile and bright eyes seemed to dim. A trip to the doctor for a check up brought news that neither of them was willing to accept. The fatigue and body ackes she had been attributing to the flu were in fact the first symptoms of adult on set leukemia.

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