Katie's birthday present

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Chapter 2 – Katie

As it just turns out, the bullet had only gone a little bit into my waist and not so deeply but it had hit a few arteries which cause the profound bleeding. I was quite surprised as I thought it would’ve gone right through my body. I guess I was just that awesome! Abby had been taking care of me, fussing over me.

We were having a great time. Yes I needed to change the bandages every so often but it was like a certain girl issue, the bleeding only lasted a week before it stopped completely. Thank you God!

At the moment, I was back at home waiting for Abby. She said she had something extremely important to show me. I love surprises as long as it wasn’t on a mission. That is just not cool bad guys! I want a good surprise, not a bomb thanks! I heard a car pull up into our drive way. I knew it was Abby because only my dad, Abby and I knew the password into the house.

Abby came into the house with a giant ice-cream cake! I screamed in happiness making Abby jump slightly but she put the cake down before giving me a hug.

“Happy eighteenth birthday Katie!” She yelled at me before tackling me with a hug. I laughed and hugged her back. I had almost forgotten it was my birthday! Abby smiled at me before handing me a white envelope.

“Dad and I put our money towards this for you” Abby said handing over the envelope.

I instantly knew what that meant. Dad couldn’t join us for my birthday…again. Sometimes I wish we were a normal family but then I would miss out on the gadgets! I smiled weakly at her, seeing her sad eyes. I opened the envelope and screamed again!


To those who don’t know… ONE DIRECTION is the biggest boy band in Europe! The band consisted of Niall Horan, the happy-go-lucky Irish boy who is a consistent eater. Zayn Malik who was the shy mysterious one. Liam Payne is the unofficial leader of the group. He was mature and when he was childish, he was usually well behaved and not like Louis Tomlinson. Abby liked Liam a lot because how he took leadership when needed. Louis was my personal favourite; he was funny, childish and very good looking. Then finally there was Harry Styles. Abby and I didn’t like him because he was such a ladies man! He has curly hair with bright green eyes. We couldn’t deny he was good looking but we still didn’t like him that much.

All of them were single other than Zayn who was dating Perrie off Little mix. We had worked under cover for them once. They never found out we worked undercover of course, we were just that good. We personally liked Perrie most. Beautiful, friendly and very tough were just a few words to describe her. We personally kept updates on Perrie to make sure she wasn’t being threatened but there was nothing.

“YOU ARE THE BEST SISTER EVER!” I yelled at Abby and hugged her. She muffled a laugh and hugged me back before I remembered there was cake!

We shared a look before getting out some spoons and attacked the cake. It was my favourite, strawberry and cream! I love my sister! She is just great! Sure she is a little bit stubborn and snarky to people we don’t like but she is just protective of those she does love.

“So are you excited for the concert?” Abby said, excitement leaking into her voice. I nodded enthusiastically! I couldn’t wait!

“Did you check the whole thing or just glanced at it?” Abby asked; her voice with excitement and mysterious. My mouth fell open and I read the ticket properly.

VIP AREA! AND BACKSTAGE PASSES! Holy mother of Jesus Christ! I grinned at my sister before hugging her.

“Umm…KATIE….can’t breathe!” She choked out. I quickly released her as she gasped for air. I grinned sheepishly at my sister.

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