Walmart - Bruno is orange

618 27 22

Day 1-
Ruboo Pov-

This place is a mess! The bread is in the chip lane! The lights seem duller the more I walk...

"Omg! LOOK! GUYS ITS RANBOO! OMG I LOVE YOU!" A short female said.  "I-I um no.. who is Ranboo..?I'm b.. bruuuu... Bruno! My name is Bruno!" I said quickly pushing her.

She just stood there, fear in her eyes. "GUYS ITS BRUNO RUN!" She said dashing away.

That was weird...but I have to continue for the B E A N S I need them.


I've been walking for hours! My legs hurt so much! The light barely lights the store over here! My phones almost dead! This place is the worst!

I should go to sleep, oh! Look there's a bed section! There isn't anyone here!

I lay on the bed closing my eyes. It's all nice and quiet until i hear footsteps. Panic! I open my eyes to see... me?

He- other me grabs me and starts walking back the way I came from, "hey let me down!" I yell. "Why are YOU here?" He screams.

"Wh- I- I don't even know you! And hey why do you look like me!?!" I screamed punching him in an  e tempt to free myself.

"I'm Bruno, aka Anti-Ranboo. Now answer my question! This is my place!" He yelled, his grip on me getting tighter.

He looked like an inverted me.(is that the word?) "i-I'm here for B E A N S!" I yell. "You're lucky I haven't set you on fire yet!" He screamed.

As he took me back he lit a match and started burning the shelves!?! "H-hey! Stop that!" I yelled.

Hey it's me! The author, uh this is cringe but imma still write cause...

Ranboo need his B E A N S!

Walmart techno goes to Walmart Where stories live. Discover now