High Lady Kamea

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Disclaimers: I do not own Battletech.

A/N: Second part of the revision. I would like to point out that Nico has spent nearly half his life at this point either in the Rimward Frontier or fighting in the war. He comes off as gruff most of the time, though even he knows when to straighten up.

But you should remember what his first thoughts of Kamea were when he saw her in the Royal Hangar seven years ago. They weren't exactly PG-13. That being said, he has come to respect her and they both consider each other a close friend.

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High Lady Kamea

Coronation Hall

The shuttle touches down between the two stone Atlas that were at the entrance of the Arano Coronation Hall, a grand structure of Taurian design that could easily pass as a monument from the ancient era of Greece back on Terra. There a crowd of commoners and news networks had gathered in mass numbers, awaiting Kamea's arrival. In the hallway of the shuttle, Kamea and her guard were forming up while Nico stays off to the side. Through a nearby window, he sees that a perimeter was formed and maintained not only by local law enforcement, but military units and House Arano royal guards as well. He then takes note that the whole area was being overseen by the House Guard in their towering mechs who were no doubt piloted by the three mechwarriors that made up Kamea's lance, Captain Charybdis, Lieutenant Kanaloa, and Lieutenant Reynard.

On cue, the Black Knight, and two Griffins moved to form a secondary perimeter on the outskirts of the shuttle as the members of the infantry security detail form the primary one closer to it. The ramp extends down to the ground and the hatch opens up revealing Kamea to the crowds who all burst into a deafening cheer at the sight of the future High Lady. The swarm of news reporters and cameramen light up the scene with flashes all while a security escort began to circle up around the noblewoman.

"They sure do love you, don't they?", Nico says from his spot on the wall next to Kamea, hidden from view.

"Would you be so kind to join me as I walk down the ramp, Colonel Strong?", Kamea asks while waving at the crowd.

"I recall a certain conversation regarding me touching you, Lady Kamea", was his answer.

"And I recall saying that you could do so under special circumstances", was her counter, "You are escorting me down the ramp like a gentleman should, colonel. I doubt anyone will have a problem with that."

"If you say so", Nico says as he pushes off the wall and moves next to Kamea.

If the ace mechwarrior thought the cheers were loud before they only intensify upon the crowd seeing him appear along with the flashing of the cameras increasing as well.

"It would seem that they love you just as well", Kamea comments as she presents her arm to Nico, "Shall we? And please try to keep it professional."

"If I didn't know any better I could swear this was all part of your plan", he replies as he wraps his arm around hers, "But you wouldn't treat me like a publicity stunt, now would you especially since you told me that this whole military stint was anything but that?"

"Of course not, Colonel", Kamea continues smiling as she begins to walk down the ramp, Nico trailing slightly behind with their arms link, "It just so happen that we are both the symbols of the Restoration and we just so happened to be on the same shuttle together to discuss a matter of national security. But Alexander has advised me to never squander a good opportunity to raise my popularity with the common folk and you are a hero to them, whether you like it or not."

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