Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I was walking down the hall today when Beth ran over to me. She was wearing her "uniform" as the team called it. It consisted of blue jeans, a red tee, and orange flats.

"What is it, Beth?" I asked as she came to a stop next to me.

"It's the new girl. The one Coach said would be coming today from Portland! She's right down there!" Beth exclaimed as she dragged me down the hall to where a crowd of people were standing. We managed to push through the crowd of people to see a girl standing there. She was slim and tall, maybe seven inches shorter than me, with long, waist length, curly white blond hair. She was wearing white washed jeans and a shirt that said "just dunk it." She had a naturally beautiful face, no makeup included, and she was easily now the hottest girl in our school.

I walked up to her and looked her in the eyes. Her eyes were a bright gold, like topaz, and very pretty looking.

"Hey," I said. "I'm Sam Maxwell." She looked at me and smiled.

"You play on the school basketball team, don't you, Sam Maxwell?"

"Yes," I said. She flipped her hair out of her face and I think seven guys swooned.

"I'm Idocolence. Idocolence Starlight. I'll be playing on your team." I stared at Idocolence. This is who I was going to be playing with? I nodded and looked at her again.

"Do you have any siblings?" Someone in the crowd yelled out. Idocolence didn't turn her gaze from me.

"Yes, I have a twin sister." A bunch of guys in the crowd cheered.

"What's your first class?" I asked Idocolence.

"Um.... Spanish with Latrez."

"That's my next class so I'll walk you down," I said. Idocolence nodded, appreciatively. We picked our way through the crowd of students, trying to get to the end of the hallway. Beth was waiting there with Lisa and Jess.

"Oh!" Beth exclaimed. "You got her?" I nodded and Jess reached up for a high five. I slapped my hand with hers and noticed Idocolence staring at us.

"What?" I asked, turning to face her.

"Nothing," she said, shaking her head. The five of us began to walk down the hall, heading to our separate classes. In Spanish, I'm wedged between two nerds and have two cheerleaders in front of me. I hoped that Latrez would put Idocolence across from me.

"Are you new?" Mr. Latrez asked, eyeing Idocolence.

"Yes," Idocolence replied, looking him right in the eye. It took all my self control not to shout out for Idocolence to sit next to me. Latrez looked her over again, then, turned to look out over the classroom.

"Hmm.... Miss. Starlight, would you mind sitting across from Miss. Maxwell, next to Mr. Tyler? Will, would you raise your hand please?" Will raised his hand and Idocolence sat next to him. She turned and grinned at me. I heard Will introduce his self and Idocolence smiled, telling him her name. It was easy to see Will was crushing on her.

William Jacob Tyler was easily the third best player on the basketball team, along with football. The best football and basketball player was Alexander Drake and he was HOT!! I didn't like him but it was easy to see all the other girls were crushing on him. The only guy I had a crush on was Mike Johnson. Everyone called him Magic Johnson because of his basketball talent. He was the second best player. For all you girls reading this book and are thinking "soooo cute, the basketball player has a crush" I only like him a tiny bit. No biggie.

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