Chapter 6

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I am asked a similar series of questions  by some unfamiliar people.

Before I was confused, but now I am nervous. These new people put me on edge. Their suits are too well cut, with not even a single piece of lint, and their ties too straight, their hair combed into lines of precision.

I am not comforted by the smooth voices they use as if they are speaking to a small child, or perhaps a lost and wounded animal. And upon seeing my hand, one of them, a Mrs Shin, concludes that I am closer to the second.

She informs a man, stoic upon first glance. At first I find his response perculier, not suiting the image that his essence gives off. A gentle nod and a shimmer in his eyes as he regards her. But then I see the quill upon his neck, the same on I had slighted upon hers. His name is also Shin.

My hand is taken in his and he looks to me with question, desiring to know what I had done to harm myself.

I lie, "I fell in the rain".

No one finds fault and my hand is soon bandaged by Mr Shin.

Another new man, there now being seven of us in the snug office, changes the types of questions asked.

My response consists of questions, worries, but he assures me that I will be answered later. I don't see what I can do so I answer and hope that he keeps his word.

They seem like soul investigators of sorts. I have delt with them for a good portion of my life, and although I don't understand why their intrest in me has suddenly re-kindled, I go along with their questioning.

"Has anything strange happened to you," he begins.

"My whole life has been strange. I am assuming that you consider having seven soulmarks as strange, and the fact that for 19 years of my life they were all gray".

"Yes, seven is strange but I had meant in more recent terms; the past few days?" He clarifies before a burst of intreage, "Were all gray? Has this changed?"

"Yes," I can't help but smile as I remember the vibrancy of colour washing out the dull gray of my life.

"Today, the best gift, colour in all seven marks. And phrases to match," I beam and the room stays silent allowing me to continue.

I don't notice the wide eyes that all six share or the baffulment on their faces as my eyes are glued on the two marks on my wrists.

"I was planing on telling you later, after telling my family first. Really. I am sorry that I hadn't gotten to it, I know it is important, I just haven't been able to contact them".

"Why, is something wrong with your phone? Home phone too?" He asks, already knowing that there must be.

I look to him and answer now, wrinkles on my forehead, "I don't know about my homephone, my door is malfunctioning, but my hand phone isn't working".

He nods, "any other notable or strange occurance?"

"Um, well, my phone isn't working so I couldn't contact them that way, but I was supposed to go to dinner with them tonight to celebrate my birthday. And the thing is, the restaurant and all surrounding shops were gone,"

"Gone?" He questions.

"Yes, gone. The land now appears to be a construction sight. I don't know what they are building, but they really got moving with their work".

"Happy birthday," Mireu says from besides me, myself having almost forgotten he was here.

I don't even know why he was allowed to stay once the soul investigators arived, usually only family and persons of significance (the professors) can stay through the examination.

His voice is quite, an almost regretful whisper as he looks from his lap to my face and a small sincere smile meets me.

"Ah, thanks," I reply, a smile morphing my eyes into tiny cresents as I try to comfort him.

The conversation dies here, and silence comes to life, the small room filled with it. But it to doesn't last.

"Mrs Eunha, I think we need to tell you something".

I fix my eyes on the speaker and nod, a small indication of my curiosity as well as permission to continue.

"You have been missing for 45 years".

"Sorry what?" I ask, unable to comprehend. What I heard was absurd, frankly impossible.

A clarification of this claim is given; by no means is it an explanation as no one is quite sure what happened, "on your 19th birthday your family reported you missing after having missed University, not meeting for your scheduled dinner, and being uncontactable via phone. Your apartment was left orderly; there was footage from the complex's security of you leaving in the morning. And from the street you are seen to head in the direction of this campus. After stepping out of sight of one camera you vanish, having disapeared somewhere between the two points. It seemed impossible, there was no where to go, and no other cameras or black boxes in the area that day sighted you. You were gone," he says and I look around in utter confusion as my mind spins. But their faces all tell me that he is speaking the truth.

Mrs Shin continues, "no one heard anything from you, not family nor friends. Your phone gps did not regester. All as if you had just vanished".

And then she asks me a question that I can't answer, "Roh Eunha, what happened to you?"



I had a tiny bit of free time so here is a tiny chapter.
Enjoy 😌💜💜

-> initially I said she was missing for 64 years, but I changed it to 45 so that her family would still be alive and for other plot reasons. Sorry for any confusion.

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