Just getting back christmas day

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Dude that fucking guy got fucked up when you shot him with that missile. Ya he did and I think some of his plane went into yours that's why I think your plane started smoking. Ya I'll Check it out later see you inside man. Hey you know they're having Christmas dinner right? That's right! Fuck I forgot well I still gotta fix my plane. Ok man I guess I'll see you inside. Yup I'll be in in like 30 minutes. Hey Chris come over here and help me with my plane. What you need zack. I don't know my plane started smoking after me and my squad shot down most of those Su's. we took down about 27 of 'em. Damm your plane is shot to hell with 30mm rounds ya I can see that I need you to patch those and I'll see where the smoke was coming from. Hey I found it a god damm 30mm shell slammed into my missile bay fucking thing was 6in from hitting the last aim-120d shit I saw my life flash before my eyes. Well we need to take that 120d out and dis arm it so we can get in there. Hey patch that and re-arm this missile and put back in the bay. Hey thanks for helping me Chris I owe you one. Ya no problem.

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