chapter 1 : friends

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                                   Jades pov :
         hmm todays the first day of high school! I cant wait to make some new friends! i hope i fit in well because my middel school wasnt to great.. but come on jade happy thought happy thoughts!

                             No ones pov :
Jades mom : " jade sweety i made your breakfast! "
Jade : " okay mom thank you! "
Jades mom : " no problem hunny have a great day bye "
Jade : " goodbye mom! "
Jade : " i wonder how will high school be like? to bad i didnt know or I would be calm "
Alex : " oh hey there! "
Jade: " oh my you scared me "
Alex : " oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to "
Jade : " no it's ok by the way I'm Jade what about you? "
Alex : " i'm Alex! Today's gonna be the first day or high school for me "
Jade : " hey same here! I go to ***** high school "
Alex : " that's where I'm going!! "
Jade " oh at least I'll know someone kinda there! "
Alex : " yeah! Hey jade? Wanna be friends! "
Jade : " sure why not "
Alex : " yay ok but we should start running to school because WERE LATE BY 5 MINUTES NOW- "
Alex : " HERE COME ON "
         Alex grabs jades hand and they start running to school
                               Alex's pov :

I can't believe I'm late for my first day of high school! What's the teacher gonna say! What if I get in trouble! I can't get in trouble!!
Jade : " hey Alex are you ok? "
Alex : " yeah.. I'm just thinking what's gonna happen since we're late.. "
Jade : " hey I can't believe I'm saying this but it's gonna be ok! we will say we lost track of time! "
Alex : " ok thanks jade "
                              Jades pov :
I walk into class to see everyone there but me and my new friend alex. Right when me and alex walked into the class everyone stared at us.. I felt like i was on a stage and everyone was looking at me until the tacher told us to take our seats next beside these two boys. The teacher told me to sit beside the guys named drake? But i have no idea who he is so i ask :
Jade :" hey um.. what one of you is drake may i ask? " A guys with blue hair replys to me : Drake : " im drake. " so im sitting beside this boy while the teachers telling us about how inportant MaTh is . I think math is annoying . I almost fell asleep until I fell someone talk :
Drake : " hey are you ok? "
Jade : " oh yeah sorry I almost fell asleep "
Drake : " oh ok. hey may I ask for your name? "
Jade : " oh uh it's jade "
drake : " ok while try not to fall asleep jade "
In my head I was thinking .. why did he ask for my name? But then I remind myself it's because he wanted to let me know to not fall asleep.
                       After school bc I lazy
                     ( no ones pov :

Alex : " I actually like school kind of! It's fun "
Jade : " wow I never heard rarely anyone say schools fun "
Alex : " well that's crazy I love scho- "
Zach : " hey are you guys new here? "
Jade : " oh yeah we are today was our first day but I hope you don't mind me asking but who are you? "
Zach : "oh my name is zach! I'm in your class and I sit beside this girl "
Alex : " w-who me? "
Zach : " yeah! Your the girl who sits beside me in class "
Alex : " oh what's your name? "
Zach : " my names zach ! What about yours ? "
Jade : " my names jade! "
Alex : " mines alex "
Zach : " hey nice names! Since you guys are new want to be friends? "
Jade : " oh sure we would love to ! "
Alex : " o-oh um s-sure "
Zach : " ok! I'll see you guys tomorrow! "
Alex : " bye "
Jade : " hey Alex do you wanna-


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