9. marrying my boss

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"Dila, why are you asking such an embarrassing question?" he asked me wondering. My face was red now and I get my sense back. "I am sorry, I cut your work off... I'll go home now." I said walking to the door but he stopped me. "what?" I asked not looking at him. "I just wanted to know the reason and I promise I will tell you the truth." He said giving me a big smile. "I told someone today that you were virgin on our wedding night," I admitted and he choked on his own airways. I patted his back. "you okay?" I asked and he was too busy taking a breath. "exactly who?" he asked and I recalled her name... "your mother and Sydney..." I said and he was horrified. "did I do a mistake?" I asked, and he nodded. "her daughter has a baby... it's mine." He said and I had not only a freaking shocked face but also a freaking broken heart.

"You have a child? Wait! Why the f then you marry me! You could have married her you freaking-" he cut me off by kissing me.

"Oh did I come in the wrong time?" Sydney walks in with a child, looks like two years old. "hello Sydney... what are you doing here? Does Erica know you are here?" Ashton asked as he pulls me behind his back. "oh dear, she doesn't know... but I thought you might want to talk about your daughter to your wife.. who thinks you were a virgin." She was smirking. "I think I made it clear that I was drunk and I don't want to do anything with your granddaughter." He said harshly, I felt a small pang in my heart. Why is he like that? She is his daughter... he should love her not push her away.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean you lie about having a daughter." She remarked and I just wanted the earth to swallow me. "I am supporting her financially, and that was the deal so if you come here again then I will cut my support and take my daughter away from you!" he said threatening, I saw Sydney rolls her eyes and she smirked my way before leaving.

"You should stay with your daughter, you should be a dad," I whispered as I saw the little kid leave. She is so cute. "well, would you make me a dad?" he asked circling his hand around my waist. "you have one." I said I was sad... he has a daughter and it's not from me... he should be with her.

"No I don't, so will you make me..." he put his forehead on mine as he stared into my eyes. "you can't deny it." I said and he chuckled. "that cute little girl isn't my daughter... you think I would leave my daughter?" he asked me looking hurt. "I would never leave my babies... and by the way, I am a virgin." He made a point as he smirked. "what?" I asked, now it's confusing.

"Are you making fun of me now?" I asked and he laughed. "no, Erica is Emily's best friend, when she found out she was pregnant from a freaking married person who didn't want anything to do with a child, they seek for my help and I agreed to support financially. Her mother at first kicked her out but when she heard about me funding her. She let Erica stay with her daughter." He explained and I made an o shaped. He took advantage of my understanding and kissed me deeply. "you are so freaking cute.." he said making me shy. "you should have told me earlier." I pouted and he groaned, "stop being cute or I won't stop kissing you."

I swallowed my lips inside my mouth and ran to the door. "I am going home to study so see you later., I said quickly shutting the door.

I heard the front door close, I was currently laying on my bed crying as I didn't understand some stuff that I was studying. I went to the bathroom and washed my face, I couldn't stop my tears actually and it's getting on my nerves. "stop crying you idiot empty head." I yelled at myself. But it didn't work as I sobbed more.

"Dila?" I heard Ashton's voice. "I'll be out in a sec," I said as normal as possible. I washed my face, then took a deep breath, and walked out. I saw him opening his arms for me. I ran to him and sobbed in his chest. "did something happened?" he asked me. I shook my head no. "why are you crying?" he asked, "I don't think I can go into college... I don't understand a lot of stuff." I said sobbing. "it's fine, I can help... but first you need to relax." He said cupping my face in his hands then he dragged me out.

Then opened the balcony door and he walked to the edge. He hugged me from behind and kissed my neck. "breathe in and out. Relax your self, I'll make cappuccino and bring your books here." He said and I nodded. I stayed as he told me, after some time he came back with my books and two cups.

We sat on the swing. It's like a couch that big but a swing. Ashton sat me between his legs as he rests my back on his chest. We rocked back and forth. When my cup was done he started to explain the stuff I didn't understand. It didn't take me long because he is a great tutor.

I didn't know the hour but it was really dark, I looked at Ashton who was asleep now. I felt sorry as it was my fault he stayed up till this hour. I went inside and get two blankets. I covered him and he opened his eyes, "where did you go?" he asked sleepily. "get you a blanket. Can you go to your bed?" I asked and he pulled me down. "let's sleep here today." He whispered, I sat a little up and hold his head on my chest while I scrub his head slowly playing with his hair.

I wake up when I felt someone shaking. Ashton was so sweaty and had a fever. "Ashton! Are you okay?" I asked. I jumped off the swing and searched for my phone it's four in the morning. I shook him, he opened his eyes and looked at me. I didn't know if he is seeing me or not. But there were tears in them, he was crying. "oh my god Ashton... what's going on?" I asked and he closed his eyes again. I didn't know what to do. I called his best friend.

"Yeah.." I heard his sleepy voice. "Justin! It's Dila..." I said. "yeah, need anything?" he asked yawning. "can you come here please, Ashton is not okay, I don't know what to do... help me." I cried out, I heard shuffling. "what day is today?" he asked then I heard him curse. "I'll get a doctor, stay with him, don't ever leave him." He declined the call.

I tried to pull Ashton up, but he wasn't moving. I called dad crying as Justin was taking so long. Dad came first and he helped me move Ashton to his bed, then Justin came with a doctor. The same doctor gave me medicine for my stomach.

"Again... this is the fifth year.. he needs to talk about it." The doctor told Justin. "we tried but it's not working... there is something he is hiding from us, I know that!" Justin said. I was looking at them confused. "what happened?" I asked them. "he gets sick every year on the same day." The doctor said. "we thought it was a cold but it wasn't... it's something psychological." He sighed. "his father's died was a week after today, but why... why today, not on his death day?" Justin asked. I stopped him and looked at Ashton. "doctor is there any medicine I can give him?" I asked when he shook his head. "okay, I will try to make him rest more. You can leave. I am sorry for the trouble..." I said and he smiled. "it's my job." Dad went with them out. I slide beside Ashton and put his head on my chest. He was still shaking, I hugged him as tightly as possible. "it's not your fault... you didn't do anything..." I whispered in his ear. "it is..." I heard him say after some time. I looked at him, he was looking at me as tears roll down from his eyes. "Ashton, tell me," I said softly, his situation is breaking my heart. He put his head in the crook of my neck and hugged me then fell asleep again.

Dad walked in again, he looked at me sadly. "is he okay?" he asked me. "he will be." I said whispering. "I'll be in the living room." He said and closed the door. I fall asleep after a while.

I wake up, Ashton wasn't beside me, I ran to the bathroom and closet but he wasn't there, I went to the living room but what I saw shocked me. Ashton was crying while my own father was patting his back. "he forgave you before you even ask for his forgiveness." Dad said, "when you became a father you will understand what I am saying... fathers love their sons more than you will ever imagine, we would die to protect our sons and daughters. Even if you came to me saying Dila is pregnant that's why you are getting married then I would totally understand but I might be sad for a couple of days... is she pregnant yet?" he whispered the last part joking. Ashton chuckled, "no, we are focusing on her college now.." Ashton said and dad looked at him confused. "what college?" he asked.

"I signed Dila in my old business school... she agreed, she didn't mention it?" he questioned, "No I didn't, I wanted to surprise them when I finish this exam.." I pouted at Ashton, he looked at me with his puffy eyes. "sorry..." he said but I gave him a smile.. "it's okay."

"I'll make coffee, do you want some?" I asked Ashton and he grinned. "of course, is that even a question." He remarked and I had a big smile on my face, seeing him okay make me smile.

I had breakfast ready, Ashton went to freshen up, dad was helping me. "come on ask me.." dad said as I settle the cups. "what?" I asked. "what happened to Ashton, I know you are curious.." he smirked. "I am curious but if Ashton didn't tell me then it's not my place to ask... I don't want to know so if you may..." I told dad who pouted. "the loyalty level is this high." He pointed at the ceiling.

"I thought it reached the sky, I am offended." I rolled my eyes playfully. "oh right..." dad mimicked me and I laughed at him.

"So, when I could be a grandpa?" he asked me suddenly. "Daaaaad!" I whined. "what! I need to get ready for a little Dila around me." He gave me none good reasons. "well we will try to make it sooner." Ashton came in and hugged me from behind. "yeah that would be great... well we need a twin at first so one for me and one for your mother." Dad said seriously but I couldn't believe he was serious about this. "let's eat." I said brushing the subject off. 

After we had breakfast, dad went back to the hospital. Ashton didn't go to work as he wanted to tutor me. "so what is your question?" he asked and I looked at the book then at him. I didn't have any questions but every half an hour he would come and see if I have one.

"Sit here please." I said and he did. "what is your question?" I asked him... he looked at me dumbfounded. "shouldn't I be asking that?" he scrubbed the back of his neck. "I think you want to talk... so you can tell me." I assured him. "no, there is nothing I am just making sure you are doing okay.." he said grinning then stood up to leave. He walked two steps before he stopped and looked at me. "can you go out with me... I know you have to study, I just want to go out... are you hungry?" he asked waiting for my answer patiently.

"Yeah, I could prepare something.." I said and he stopped me. "no we can eat out." He suggested. "okay, fine whatever you want. I'll go dress up." I ran to my room and found a tank top with a jean skirt that reached my mid-thigh. I put my hair in a ponytail and I was ready, I put on my white converse and ran to him. "I am ready let's go," I said and hold his hand. "I take it back let's not go..." he said checking me out.

"What? No, let's go!" I whined pulling him. "then you better wear something bad!" he said and I looked at him confused. "someone would steal you from me and I don't want anyone to look at MY WIFE." He said and I glared at him. "yup, of course  now can we go if your jealousy is done." I said as I literally dragged him out. 

We went to a restaurant, we ordered and ate dinner then he said we need to walk on the beach holding hands like a real couple. I agreed and we did this, we ended up walking with bare feet in the waves. Thankfully I had a skirt not a pair of pants so they won't get wet.

And being the clumsy I am, I managed to fall into the water, Ashton stood there laughing while I was trying not to drown in a millimeter of water. "stop laughing!" I hissed seeing people looking at us. "well, you definitely look like a baby." He said giving me his hand, I pulled him to me and he fell not expecting that. "why did you pull me?" he whined. "to give you a taste of what happened to me." I laughed at him then stood up and ran away as he started to chase me. After some time we stopped and he looked at me noticing I was cold. "I'll go get us a towel." He informed me as he walked away.

I stared at the sunset, I noticed someone put a towel around me. "you look cold." I looked at the man and saw it wasn't Ashton. "my husband is getting me a towel." I said giving him the towel. "keep it till your husband comes. You are really young to be married." He commented. "I am not that young," I said as I place the towel in his hand.

"Oh how old are you?" he asked checking me out. "old enough." I rolled my eyes at him. "I think you are ... eighteen, well we have something in common." He smirked. "I am not eighteen and can you please leave me alone." I said and his smirk grew wider. "com on! I know someone your age is not married for love, you had an arranged marriage." He stated. "you are such a player now you could stay I am leaving." I said walking past him but he stopped me by my elbow, "wait a sec... you are Dila Hawk!" he declared as he stared at my face. "you telling me a player when you trick the billionaire into marrying you." He said laughing. I couldn't stop myself as I slapped him. "you know nothing, you should keep your mouth shut." I said but his face showed anger he pushed me down, I fall and he was about to hit me when I saw Ashton yank him back making him fall too. "are you okay," he helped me stood up. "I am fine, can we go home?" I asked and he nodded. He shot that boy a glare then he wasn't satisfied. He took his phone out and took a pic of his face. "I'll make sure you regret touching her." He said as he picked me up bridal style and put the towel around me as I was shaking. I circled my hands around his neck and rest my head on his chest.

"I am sorry for the troubles you are going through because of me," I whispered. "Dila it isn't your fault, he is the one to blame... you are so innocent." He said kissing the top of my head. I felt him open the car door and then he sat in the driver seat while I was in his lap. "no we're going to crash. let me go to my seat." I said but he wrapped his hand around me. "stay here." He said and I shook my head no. "I am not risking your life." I said as he pouted. "you promise we could cuddle the rest of the day?" he asked and I nodded at him. I jumped to his side but kept my hand holding his.

When we reached the penthouse, he walked inside following me and he literally followed me to the bathroom. "Ashton I am going to take a shower." I informed him. "good." He said not leaving. "you go and take a shower at your bathroom and I will take a shower here." I ordered him but he didn't take a step. "com on!" I said pushing him out. "we could take a shower together." He yelled through the door making me look like a tomato. "no thank you!" I yelped turning on the water. I went under the shower washing the sand from my clothes before stripping. During the shower I realized, I have no shampoo... "why did I come into this bathroom!" I said irritated.

"Ashton!" I yelled his name and waited for him. Another five minutes and he didn't show up. I opened the bathroom door a little bit and yelled his name. "yeah?" he asked coming inside my room. "could you bring me a shampoo from my suitcase and a towel?" I asked and he nodded. His hair was dripping with water did he really finished showering this fast.

When he came back he handed me his shampoo and his towel. "this is yours?" I said behind the closed door. "I know." He said. I completed my shower, after I was done, I wrapped the towel around me, I thought I needed a towel for my dripping hair. I opened the cabinet to look for one but there wasn't. I opened another one and was surprised I found my shampoo siting there... not one bottle but three full bottles. *how the heck this happened?*

I went to the closet with the towel only around me. As I was about to enter the closet I heard a whistle. I looked around and found Ashton laying on my bed. "I think I need another shower." He said checking me out. I was already blushing. "I didn't see you there.." I whispered, he was approaching me until he was right in front of me. He hugged me and take a deep breath, "I love this smell." He said and I didn't know what to reply to that. I love your smell too or I am in love with everything that includes you. He kissed my head and smiled down at me. "get dressed, I am controlling myself hardly." He said and I literally ran away and closed the door behind me but then I thought of asking him... I opened the door slightly "Ashton, I found three bottles of my shampoo in your cabinet." I said and saw his horror face, "I think I have a business call." he said running away, I knew something was off. I smiled to myself remembering what he says... *I love this smell on you*

When I was done getting dressed. I went to the living room to see what I have left to study, I sat down on the couch and start looking through the book, I felt Ashton sit beside me. Then he pulled me to him, he wasn't comfortable so he stands up and then looked down at me. "come here." I said as I opened my arms, he sat beside me and laid his head on my chest. I started to run my hand through his hair and he seemed to like it.

I was reading through the book when I get so tired. I glanced at Ashton to see him fast asleep. I didn't want to bother him so I put my books away and laid my head on the couch.

In the middle of the night, I woke up feeling I am moving. I saw Ashton carrying me, "where are you going." I said circling my hands around his neck afraid to fall. "uh sorry to wake you up, but I thought it's better if we slept on the bed." He said as he laid my down. "oh," I nodded stretching, then he crawled under the sheets and laid his head back on my chest. He circled his hands around my waist and I scratched his head.

"Good night my love." He said as I drifted to sleep.


Hey guys sorry for the very late update, I had a medical problem... Any way:

Hope you enjoyed reading.

Sorry for my mistakes.

Till next chapter


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