Chap ☝ One

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Catlaina On The Side

Blood On The Leaves- Kanye West
Started Playing From My Phone Indicating I Had A Call.

Catalina:"Waa Gwann"? I Answered Groggily

"What's Good Cracker"? "Wassup Annie Mae"? "Sup Nigga Bitch"? (Answered My Bitch Ass Brothers D.J. , Evan , Marcus)

Catalina:"What The Fuck Yall Want At 6 In The Fuckinn Morning!?" I Yelled At Them Sitting Up. "

D.J.:(Asked My Smart Ass Brother D.J) "Who Pissed In Yo Cornflakes? "

Catalina:Yelling"Yall Fuck Asses"

Kevin: (One Of My Brothers Homeboy)In The Background Yelled '"Don't Make Me Call Kendrick"

Catalina:"Bitch If You Feeling Mighty Do It . But Best Belive Before You Even Dial The Area Code Don't Be Shocked If I Call Yo Stalker Hoe Lisa Come Cruising For That Ass Get On My Level Young Blood".

✨Everybody Laughed .

Evan:"Still My Muthafuckinn Nigga"(Said While Laughing My Brother Evan).

Marcus:"Anyways Down To Business Yo Mama Birthday Coming Up We Gon Need You To Take Yo Head Out Cho Ass And Come Home For Her Surprise Party Oh And Our Bitch Ass Father Just Got Outta Jail And Already Starting Shit Fuckinn Knarkk" (Said My Other Brother Marcus Seriously).

Catalina:"First Part My Moms Yeah I'm Coming But Don't Tell Her. And That Sperm Donor Can Kiss My White Ass He Aint Shit"."Is That All Yall Want? Cause I Got Shit To Do".

Evan:"Yeah We Good Tell Nephew We Said Wassgood ".

Catalina:"I Will Bye Bitches"

Everybody In The Background Yells "Bye Annie Mae!?!".

Catalina Goes Right Back To Sleep.

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