Chapter 2 The curse began

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Speeding time up, a crew found the treasure split the gold and went back to there normal lives. The captain returned home for retierment , the doctor took up his poison as town doctor, silver left in to the night and Jim Hawkins retired to his famlies INN.

3 years later...

And this is when are trobels began for as I briefly said Flint know when and where every gold coin is, and in the small town by the sea front, before the captain retired home he bought a very expensive pair of boot he payed 5 gold coins for his boots. On this night the curse began the shoe maker was working late he was putting the strings in to a new pair of fine boots.

When from outside he herd a TAP, TAP, TAP, thinking it was a customer he walked up to his door opened it and was surprised to find no one, he closed the door and was about to return to his work when he heard again TAP, TAP, TAP

"hello!" Shouted the shoe maker, he opened the door again and took out a axe

"is there anyone there?" Asked the shoe maker he looked around the street when once again he heard TAP, TAP, TAP

"hello" said the shoe maker looking to were the tapping was coming from, then the most shock point of the shoe maker life, he found where the tapping was coming from out of the dim light came a stick hopping along TAP, TAP, TAP

"what the?" Asked the shoe maker he held up his axe, then the stick without a person walking with it. The stick floated up and started to beat the shoe maker.

The shoe maker swung his axe but had no the slitess idea what he was down so he ran in to his house but the stick followed him in, then his night ended as the town was filled with a large painfull "SREAM!!!"

Next the warning bell filled the town with ringing as Dr Livesey and two other doctors where at the shoe makes house inpeting the body.

One doctor was pointing at the body and talking the others where both thinking

" you see here someone used something to break his neck " said Livesey pointing at a purple line across his neck

" so who ever did this know what they were doing " said Livesey

They cleared the body but over the next 2 nights both the baker and carpenter where both killed with the same method.

Livesey was trying to find the murder but the people killed, there was no patten to the deaths until the bank owner was killed. It was then when Livesey was starting to about what insane things were happening so he was thinking it best that he would go and see Jim Hawkin

In the 3 years that Jim spent home Ben know is working at the BEN BOW INN. Him and Jim have made the INN ten times better then what it used to be. They have built the INN a lot large with more rooms and a bigger bar witch makes a lot of gold with the sailors that reguly come in.

On this day Jim was sitting out on the cliff edge he was dressed in his old brown coat, he was looking out to the sea, leaning under him arm was Jim's girl friend Amber, a blond haired girl that was dressed in a red coat with a green dress. She worked in the blacksmiths in the town, they meet after Jim's horse needed some new shoes.

They sat on the cliff top taking to one another until they heard a shout coming a cross the fields

" Jim, Jim!" Shouted Ben as he ran across the field

" what is it Ben" said Jim as he and Amber looked back at him

Ben stopped and panted he dropped to the ground then he looked up at Jim and Amber

" Ben" said Jim

" at the INN Dr Livesey needs to talk to you" said Ben

Jim got up and pulled Amber to her feet and then he started to walk back along the field gelding towards the INN, Ben jumped up and walked after them.

They got back to the INN where the doctor was sitting at one of the tables

" Jim" said Dr Livesey

" doctor" said Jim

They shock hands ten laughed and joked about old times, but some time later they got to business.

" Jim I come here today because over the later 4 nights there have been attack and deaths, all killed in the same way by the same person, never seen coming or leaving" explained Livesey

" what that to have with me?" Asked Jim

" I been searching for days and there is only on thing that the murders have in common" said Livesey

" what?" Asked Jim

" gold" said Livesey

" gold, what gold have to do with it?" Asked Amber

" the treasure we found, all the people killed have been payed to do jobs with that gold and then they were killed, is there anyone else who you have giving the gold to, we might be able to set a trap" said Livesey

Jim and Amber looked at each other, then Amber GULPED

" Jim gave me these to shoe a horse" said Amber putting a couple coins the table

" I could be wrong, but we set are trap here at the INN" said Livesey

" what will happen to me?" Asked Amber suddenly getting very worried

" I keep you safe" said Jim

"We mush be ready before night fall" said the doctor he stood and looked out at the setting sun.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2015 ⏰

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Treasure island 2 Thr curse of Captain FlintWhere stories live. Discover now