Chapter Four- Free For Twenty-Four Hours

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-Ashleighs PoV-

"I need to get out of here" I muttered to myself. I climbed out of bed quietly trying not to wake Nico. I pulled on my clothes I had worn the night before. I quietly walked towards the door, when I eventually got the door I slowly opend the door to try to not make it creak. Luckily for me it did not. I made my way downstairs to the front door, I tried to open the door but unfortunately it was locked. i got more and more impatient to the point I was not thinking,  I started to shake the door knowing it would make no differnce.


"What are you doing?"

Shit, I've fucked my escape up big time. "Just testing the houses security, thats all" I lied. Nico walked downstairs to me "Dont lie to me, you don't lie to people you love." Nico chuckled. I sighed and walked away to the front room. I sat on the sofa and decided to turn the TV on. Nico sat next to me and wrapped his arm over my shoulder. Urgh. I silently watched the TV avoiding every conversation starter until i decided to talk. "I'm going to go see my parents today, plus I need to go back home. Which is where I live." Nico's grip on my shouldr where his arm rested,. "You are not going anyway out of my sight you are staying right here where I can keep you. A place no one can take you from me." Nico spat. I sighed one again, I want to go home but now he has got from scary to  controling, which is also scary. "But Nico my parents are going to be worrying about where I am and why I haven't contacted them, you've got to let me go please. Just for one night then i'll be back. I promise. Please." I explained. Nicos grip on my shoulder had loosened. "I said no Ashleigh, your not leaving here, what if you tell people what you and me did last night, what if the come searching for me." Nico said. I looked at him in his eyes, the feeling I saw in his eyes was rightening because there was no hatred nor was there anger. "I won't say anything I promise" I said this time not lieing or looking away as I have done many times before to him. 

"Okay fine, but just one night. Are you sure you promise me you'll come back to me? ou know what will happen if you do not, ive told you many times before Ash." I nodded to what Nico said, I kew that if I did not I would get hit in the face or hurt in some way. I stooded up and went upstairs to gather more things. After I did that I made my way back downstairs "Looks like im off home now, I'll see you tomorrow" I said. Nico kissed my good-bye and then unlocked the door and let me out, I looked back and saw that Nico was watching me leave, I waved to him and he waved back. "Bye!" I yelled, I turned around and walked to the bus stop, I stood waiting for the bus getting people stopping in their cars asking if im a prostitute and if im avalible for a quickie.. Ew. The bus arrived and I got on paying my fee and sitting near the front.

I looked around the bus to see who else was om. no one. Just me. I was brought to my attention by an advert that was placed above the window, it had big white words 'Scared? Alone? Unloved?' that is exactly how I feel when I'm around Nico.  I jotted the number that was on the advert into my contacts so I had something to contact if I needed help.

I got off the bus and walked for about five minutes to my house. Once I arrived i slowly opened my door trying not to make a sound. Of course my mother heard me come in. "Ashleigh?! Where have you been? I haven't heard or seen you for atleast twenty four hours!" Her list of questions got longer and longer, but I just blanked her and started to walk up the stair to my bedroom. I didn't feel like talking to anyone. "Ashleigh! get back here! You haven't answered my questions!"


"Mum fuck off!" I yelled walking into my room and slamming the door behind me. I walked to my unsuite bathroom turning my shower on, i looked in the mirrior that was above the sink. I gazed at the purple and blue bruise on my skin. Love bites, they are everywhere on my neck, collar bone and top of my breasts. I fel disgusted with myself I knew if I stayed with him my self-esteem would slowly go down and I will feel worthless.  I slipped my dress off and and looked down at my body. More brusies that looked the same on my top half of my body. Now they are just mainly on the inner of my theighs. I got into the shower washes my body and hair. I then decided to sit in the shower thinking to myself. "Why are you letting him do this too you" "Why do you even stay? Do you really love him? Or is this just fear?"  My thought sounded just like that. Maybe, just maybe my mind is right. I just might love him or I could just be doing this out of fear of him  hurting me.


I got out of the shower, wrapping a towel around me, the bruise seem to look a little better. I walked out of my unsuite seeing my mum sitting on my bed "Youve been with a boy haven't you? What on earth did he do to you?" Mum said.


"He didn't hurt me if thats what you think, me and him went out for a meal and on thing lead to another and we well.. had sex, great sex. I think. I dont remember much as I was drunk" I explained  "You had sex?! Ashleigh that boy was using you, If you think this is love you are wrong. Your father was nothing like that." Mum said frustratingly "I think you'll find he respects me just as much dad respects you." I spat.


"Ash-" I cut Mum off.


"I love him"

Hopeless and Wild (Nico Venere/Ashestoangels)Where stories live. Discover now