Chapter One

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Your POV
I can't believe it. I'm seventeen and I'm lost in New York City. I'm too scared to ask for help and I'm wear black because my grandfather passed away and I'm arriving from his funeral. I checked my pockets and realized I had my Hamilton tickets and the show was in like fourteen hours. It was like five am so I tried to find a place to sleep it didn't go well I ended up falling asleep on a bench in the middle of Central Park

Phillipa's POV
I decided to go take a walk in Central Park since I have a few hours I'm back on stage to reprise my role Eliza in Hamilton. I noticed that there was someone laying on a bench. I walked up to her and asked her if she was alright. She told me that she left a bad home situation then she said "oh my god I'm so sorry you probably don't want to hear about why I left my home too" I said "Oh no, it's okay" I asked her how old she was she told me that she was seventeen. She told me that she didn't have a place to stay. The poor thing started crying

Your POV
I'm so embarrassed I started crying in front of a Broadway actress. Instead of being weirded out she sat next to me and she put her arm around me. She took her free hand and wiped away my tears. She asked me asked me if I wanted to hang out with her and the rest of the cast of Hamilton I told her yes. She brought me to the theater where they were going to do Hamilton; the rest of the cast were just as nice as her. I first met Renée she said "Hey, my name is Renée what's your name?" I told her my name was Y/n she said "I know we just met but welcome to the Hamilton family "a little later that night Phillipa asked me why I was in New York I told her that I had three tickets to see Hamilton. She smiled and proceeded to ask me if I had ever done theater before. I told her that I used to when I was younger but got busy with school and that I was way too nervous to audition for anything anyway.

Phillipa's POV
She told me that she used to do theater. I thought that was pretty awesome! I told her the Lin wants to find people similar to us to be a part of Hamilton but like a smaller version of us. I told her that she should audition for it, she admitted that she was scared but she would try just then the stage manager said "five minutes to places" she told me that she would meet me after the show I gave her a hug and said okay

The show was amazing as I thought it would be. I went backstage to see Phillipa. She brought me to see Lin Manuel- Miranda. He looked at me and said "she's the perfect Eliza" I looked at him and said "really" a few weeks later and I am best friends with the whole cast and I landed the role of Eliza. Lin asked me if I could sing and Eliza song for him. I agreed and I started singing Burn: I saved every letter you wrote me from the moment I read them I knew you were mine you said you were mine I thought you were mine. Do you know what Angelica said when we saw your first letter arrive she said "be careful with that one love he will do what it takes to survive. You and your words flooded my senses your sentences left me defenseless you built me palaces out of paragraph you built cathedrals I'm re-reading the letters you wrote me I'm searching and scanning for answers in every line for some kind of sign and when you were mine the world seemed to burn burn. You published the letters she wrote you... you told the whole world how you brought this girl into our bed in clearing your name you have ruined our lives do you know what Angelica said when she read what you'd done she said "you've married an Icarus he has flown too close to the sun" you and your words obsessed with your legacy your sentences border on senseless and you are paranoid in every paragraph how they perceive you... you... you... you I'm erasing myself from the narrative let further historians wonder how Eliza reacted when you broke her heart you have torn it all apart I'm watching it burn watching it burn the world has no right to my heart the world has no place in our bed they don't get to know what I said I'm burning the memories, burning the letters that might have redeemed you, you forfeit all rights to my heart you forfeit the place in our bed you'll sleep in your office instead with only the memory of when you were mine I hope that you burn... When I was done singing the whole cast was clapping.

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