My characters either got into the crack again or they're on a sugar high again

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Just a bunch of incorrect quotes from tumblr filled in with my ocs. UwU


Everyone is probably on crack rn OwO


Delilah: hello yes I have heavy emotional baggage and I need someone to hug QwQ

Vlad, crashing through delilah's window: I'M COMING


Tamami: Stop squirming!

Risotto: Stop poking me!

Tamami: All I'm doing is tailoring your suit like you asked me to



Risotto: stop poking me

Tamami: never mortal hehehe


Hunter: Where is Riley?

Max: *Sighs* He drank 4 cups of coffee and now thinks the hummingbirds outside were talking crap about him

Riley: *chasing the poor hummingbirds outside the window* FIGHT ME I AM SOUND


Harley: tamami is my best friend uwu. She'd never hurt me



Risotto: tamami threw me out of the second floor window cause I was close to beating her at super smash brothers-

Harley: OwO my bestie is strong


Shynah: this whole world is evil and everyone is going to hell

Risotto: nothing we do is important, we're all going to die meaningless deaths.

Tamami: would...would y'all like a hug?

Shynah, with a voice crack: everyone's going to hell but this pure angel

Risotto: everything she does is important


Kidnapper: We have your child

Calypso: I...I don't have a child

Kidnapper: Well, who asked us for a chocolate milk and a grilled cheese sandwich with the crust cut off?

Calypso, sharing a horrified look with
Eiichi: Oh my goodness they have Leo


Hestia: *says that she doesn't think she deserves a good boyfriend like Giovanni*

Giovanni: *hugs her with motivation, love, giant teddy bears, and chocolate*


Kumika: I like people who are environmentally aware

Noa, pointing outside the window: that's a cloud



Delilah: *exists*

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