Yoo y'all my name Londyn but everybody calls me Lolo. I'm a low key type of girl, I mostly stick to myself and stay out the mix. For the most part I get good grades. I live with my momma and big sister Amber. My dad died when I was little about 9 years ago so it's always pretty much just been us 3. Anywaysss let's get started.
"Hurry up Lolo we going to miss our flight" my momma said in a rush.
"Coming" I said
Today is the day we're moving. From South Carolina to Atlanta. I honestly don't want to move but I don't really have a choice so I got to make the best of it.
"Girlll it should not have took your ass that long u was suppose to have all ur shit packed already" my sister Amber said.
" bitch don't say nun to me I'm already not in the mood" I said rolling my eyes.
"Idc if we miss this flight I'm beating yo ass"
"Yeah ight"
We arrived at the airport just in time to catch our flight.