It's Nepping Uzume pt 1

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In Planetune:
Sonic was relaxing while, Neptune was taking a nap.
Sonic: (Man, everything feels peaceful. Feels great to be outside relaxing. After all that has happened before, me and Neptune are officially together. Right now, she's napping.)
Neptune suddenly wakes up from a weird dream.
Neptune: Yaaaawn... Mmm, taking a nap in the warmth of the Planetune sun is the best! Although, I kinda feel like I just had a super creepy dream.
Sonic: Oh, you're awake.
Neptune: Yep. Just woke up from this creepy dream I had.
Sonic: Really? Well, at least it wasn't real.
The two then heard something from the concrete.
Neptune: Ahhh! What was that noise?! If I didn't know any better, I'd say that sounded like something plastic slamming against the concrete...
Sonic: Yeah. It came from over there. Let's go take a look.

In the alleyway:
Neptune: And so, here we find our heroines in a spooked back alley, shredded in darkness in the middle of the afternoon... Yeah, this isn't weird at all.
Sonic: Nah, not even in the slightest.
???: Someone, save me...
Sonic: What?
Neptune: Huh? Is that a voice?
???: Someone, anyone... Save me... Save... the Zero Dimension...
Sonic: Zero Dimension...?
Neptune: Hello? Someone there. C'mon, answer me! That's so weird. We could've sworn we heard it coming from around here.
Sonic: Huh? What's this?
Sonic picks it up.
Neptune: It almost looks like a... game console...?
Sonic: Game console...?
Neptune: Who even made this? It's got a white body, a swirl mark even a sophisticated games sommelier like myself has never seen anything like this.
Sonic: What's a game console doing here?
Neptune: Well, I don't see anyone around here... so I guess we'll just take, err, I mean deposit... This... at the Basilicom... For... safekeeping! Yeah!
Sonic: Man... let's just take this.

In Neptune's room:
Nepgear was in the room and Sonic and Neptune comes in.
Neptune: Hey, Nepgear! Lookie look! We found a super cool, vintage game console!
Sonic: Yeah, we found it from a back alley.
Nepgear: Oh, really? Maybe we can try playing it later. Also, welcome home Neptune, Sonic. I'm glad you two made it back safe and sound.
Histoire: Neptune! Sonic! Where in Gamindustri have you bee? This is not the time to be goofing off! I will now forgive you today!
Sonic: Huh? Why me, she dragged into it!
Neptune: Gah?! It's Histy!
Histoire: Neptune, we're in a midst of Gamindustri's Shift Period and this is simply not the time for brash behavior.
Neptune: Ah, c'mon Histy, lighten up, it's just a little old... Shift... Period... Wait. What is that again?
Sonic: You serious?
Histoire: Even though I had explained it so thoroughly... I will explain it once again, so please, listen. The CPU Shift Period is the season when citizens begin searching for new CPU's to follow, instead of placing their faith in those already presiding. We're currently in the window of time when rumors about the CPU's will begin circulating, tarnishing their reputations. In fact, at this very moment, the other CPU's have been working relentlessly to prepare specialized teams to counter any allegations.
Neptune: Pfft, I'm totally fine. This is Planetune we're talking about, Histy! My people love me! Besides, isn't Noire the only one who's made an actual team? Vert has that MMO tourney and Blanc has Rookie Novelist Awards coming up soon...
Histoire: Dear me. Why is that all the CPU's lack a mature and appropriate sense of danger.
Sonic: Hehe.
Histoire calls up Noire.
Noire: Hey! Don't just lump me in with those lazy idiots, Histoire!
Sonic: (Wow, we didn't do anything.)
Neptune: But aren't you lonely, Noire?
Noire: You shut up! I'm not lonely!
Noire leaves the call.
Neptune: Thats just the way the cookie crumbles. Anyway, Nep Jr, think you can fix this console? It looks like it's pretty broken.
Nepgear: I'm not sure if I can, it doesn't look like technology I'm familiar with... May I inspect it for a moment, big sis?
Histoire. *Sigh* It cannot be helped. It appears I will be constructing a solution on my own for Planetune's safety yet again.
Histoire flies away.
Sonic: Hold on, guys.
Neptune: Huh?
Nepgear: What's wrong?
Sonic: I don't know about this console, but it's seems suspicious.
Neptune: Suspicious?
Nepgear: What do you mean?
Sonic: Why did me and Neptune found a console in a alleyway? If someone had that, they could've just sell it.
Nepgear: I think Sonic is right about this.
Neptune: Well, we'll never know right?
Sonic: I guess so. Let's try it.
Nepgear: O-Okay then.
???: Anyone... Please, save us...
Nepgear: Huh? Neptune, Sonic, did you hear that?
Neptune: Oh, I knew we heard something earlier! Good work, Nep Jr. Where's it coming from?
Sonic: Is coming from the console.
Nepgear then presses something on the console as a portal opens.
Nepgear: Wha!
Sonic: What the!
Neptune: Yikes! What in the what is this?! Why are we getting swallowed up in our own room?!
Neptune and Nepgear were getting sucked in as Sonic grabs their hands.
Neptune, Nepgear: Sonic!
Sonic: Gh...!
The portal gets stronger as Sonic was getting pulled back.
Nepgear: Oh no! What should we do?!
Sonic tries to stay on the ground, but was too powerful as it sucks the three into the portal.
Sonic, Neptune, Nepgear: We're getting sucked in! Ahhhhhh!
The portal closes.

That's is for the first part! The next one will be long so I hope you enjoy this one! I'll see you guys in the next one!!!

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