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Elsie never really belonged anywhere not that anyone ever realizes.

A genie of a sort, that lives forever. A curse that many mortals wish for. She can only grant wishes for herself every couple hundred years, a failed experiment. That's what she is.

'That's what you get when you try to extract powers from a genie.' Elsie thought bitterly.

Her parents abandoned her as soon as they realise their experiment failed. Her first wish subconsciously was to survive, so her body self sustained. Kept healthy with no need of food, water or warm clothes.

Her second wish was to seem normal so no one could see her strange green-bluish skin or the silver manacles around her wrist and neck that showed that she was part genie.

Her third wish was to be able to wish whenever she want, that backfired horribly and she knew then and there if she tried to boost her power again, there would be dire consequences.

Fourth and fifth endless money and identities and so on.

'Hey Elsie, have you heard the news?' Amelia asked excitedly, breaking Elsie out of her thoughts, slipping pass the hoard of people of their high school with surprising ease.

Elsie turned to her clueless friend and answered softly ' hey Amelia, what news? Watched another anime and now fan girling over a hot boy?'

Elsie never got the obsession with anime or boys, especially boys. The male beings were rude most of the time. And cruel and yet the females fall over themselves to get to the cruelest one. Which unsurprisingly, were the most popular and good looking ones. Elsie avoided that, not wanting to get heartbroken again and again, not that she has experience in that department.

'Shut up you know I always am, but do you know the new guy, looks like a fantasy wet dream but living and breathing? He's enrolled in our school!' Amelia squealed, shaking Elsie's shoulder lightly. Elsie laughed at her friend but was wondering about the new guy.

Axel Chase Hunter. Even the name shouts out a flashing red warning, and yet girls go out their way to flirt and drool over him. Typical bad boy, football star, 182 and slept around daily. Even though he just moved to town this summer, Elsie wouldn't be surprise if he slept with half the girls, including the taken ones.    

Before school started she saw Axel fight with James, a trained black belt. James was yelling at him for something, probably sleeping with his girlfriend. Afterwards Axel beaten him to pulp, so yeah typical.

'You're not gonna try to charm him right? He's obviously going to break your heart, or anyone's for that matter.'

'You know I'll pay for that, plus imagine if he fell in love with me like all those romantic stories.'Amelia's eyes were dreamy.

Elsie sighed not knowing why she bothers, they weren't that close. Plus she will have to move soon before the people here realises she doesn't age. Another reason why she doesn't look for love or grow attached, everything ends while she lives on, she rather not deal with the pain.

'Do what you want but don't come crying, you know I can't deal with emotions.'

'Mean, don't expect me to let you copy my math homework.'

'Wait come on Amelia, I NEED help. Please?' Elsie begged.

Sighing dramatically she answer, 'Fine I'm too nice. Now let's get to class before we're late.' Without another word she started to drag Elsie to class.

Author's note: Hey this is my first time writing, also English isn't my first language so I hope you enjoy it!!

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