Sleepover prep

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As I was in my way out of work my phone started buzzing confused I looked and smiled when I saw Harry was calling me. "Hey" I said with a smile
"Hey, how's work going" he said slightly out of breath, "good, I'm tired but issac is so excited about seeing you tonight" I responded starting the car.
We talked a few more minutes before I realized I was a few minutes from home and I live 15 minutes away, I could have sworn he just called me, anyway.
" hey I'm almost home so I'm gonna hop off here and take a shower, pack issacs bag, then get us ready" I saw stopping at a red light
"Oh that's why I called you, pack a bag for you too since you have off tomorrow and in the morning we could all do something tomorrow, together" he said almost like he was scared of my response
"Oh uh you sure ? I wouldn't want to take you and issacs time away together" I said blushing
" please pack a bag, I'll see you soon" then he hung up
Smiling, shaking my head I pulled in my parking spot and grabbed my bag walking to my door, unlocking it. God, I was exhausted. Grabbing a fresh set of clothes *at the top*. After my shower I realized it was almost 4:00 and I still needed to pick issac up from daycare and pack our bags for tonight plus an outfit for tomorrow.
After I picked up issac it was already 4:20 and he was eating a snack, making a whole mess, and was telling me about him day when Harry called me.
" hold on buddy" I said answering the phone
"Hello" I said focusing on driving
" hey, I'm just getting ready to leave now and I know you were picking up issac now so I didn't wanna text you and you not know" Harry said starting the car and backing up out of his driveway
" well thank you Harry, yeah we're like 10 minutes away maybe at most so I just need to run in and grab the bags" I said turning
"Sissy my snack gone and belly still hungry" issac said about to start having a tantrum
" alright buddy giving sissy a few minutes and I'll get you a new snack" I said said at him smiling at him in  the review mirror.
" no no no" he said crying kicking the passenger back seat
" hey Harry just let me know when you there just in case you get there before me" I said trying to shush issac
" of course, be safe please" Harry said and hung up
" issac stop baby you need to breathe" I said pulling over and turning off the car and walking over to him and taking him out of the car seat
" shhhh, it's alright baby, shhhh" I said holding him and rocking him back and forth trying to get him to fall asleep.
After a few minutes he finally fell asleep so I bucked him back up and walked to the driver seat and started the car and started driving home
Luckily I got there before Harry and ran in and grabbed the bags. As I was running back out he pulled in, waving at me. Smiling I waved back, going to check on issac. He was still sound asleep and I felt bad knowing I was about to wake him up from his much needed nap, plus his tantrum earlier made sense.One of his daycare's teacher told him he didn't take any naps and he usually has three. As Harry was walking up to me when I was just smiling looking at issac, he smiled.
"Hey" he whispered knowing issac was asleep
" hi" I whispered back smiling

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