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Have you ever questioned if there were other intellectual living beings on other planets?

As the galaxy continues expanding, there is a high possibility we might face something we never recognize.

1998 the Russian Space Center received a stress signal from the neighboring galaxy, Andromeda. Requesting for help as they experienced a catastrophe. They faced an unknown illness that made them hopeless as their planet continues to burn away. They were approaching extinction.

But nobody knows I ache for their loss.


There would be a time where we would face something unimaginable that we don't know what to do.

We weren't afraid because of fear. We were scared because of the aliens.

The 1950s was a time where the Earth experienced a boom in all aspects of life. The 1950s were a decade marked by the post-World War II boom, the dawn of the Cold War, and the Civil Rights movement in the United States.

But nobody knows, it was the time I came across this unique friend, a friend from another galaxy.

It was a cold winter in 1949 when I was getting up to join the military for the expedition.

I was in the alley that night going home after taking my recommendation letter.

But who would have guessed I would meet this guy.

He was wearing thin clothing in front of a restaurant, seeing the people eating inside. I can even see his saliva dripping from his lip.

As I try to get closer, I discovered he was barefoot, his hands going around his pockets and saying things I can't understand.


I was about to ask him if there was something wrong. However, he noticed me drawing near him.

He places his open hands in front of me, telling me to stop walking closer.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked as I caught him rummaging around his pockets.

After a while, he got to wear his watch. However, the vigil was something I'm not familiar with because it doesn't look like anything close to any available model.

"Ehem, Hello, " the guy said while he bowed to me slightly.

I was in awe as the guy was acting so weird.

"Hi? What are you doing here outside?" I asked.

"Want, eat. No, money," the guy answered slowly.

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